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  1. grassroots

    Clone Prices?

    My friend buys Clones from his friend started from a Soma seeds Buddahs sister mother. He pays 10 a clone good price. But if ur sellin them u can get up to 20 easily . :peace:
  2. grassroots

    My first outdoor grow PICS

    Whats up man ur plants are looking great ive had a chance to pick a couple of ounces of the MK ultra shits good deff a strain i would grow. Im currently growin some purple widow bout 2 week in veg outside. well good luck growin and watch them damn feds :peace:
  3. grassroots

    What`s growin in Cowboy country

    wow great lookin plants man and the buds look awesome ur buds were alot more purple than the previous strain i grew, it was purple widow. Hope everything turns outs good later
  4. grassroots

    IS this a FEMALE preflower?

    cant really tell yet but looks female to me no balls yet. hope they dont come. Good luck though :peace:
  5. grassroots

    How many grams do you smoke a month? min/max

    Depends how much buds i have at the time i dont get paid every friday uasaully about an ounce a week if i was by myself. if im with other ppl about an ounce in about 2-3 days. If im really in the smokin mood. :peace:
  6. grassroots

    FREE light bulbs...again.

    I tried to get one like 2 months ago still hasnt came yet. sign up if u wanna but i never got mine :peace:
  7. grassroots

    shroom amount question

    ahhh i think u should eat bout 2-2.5 grams thats wat i ate my first trip and im 6'4 and 165 lbs didnt have a bad one was really fuckin fun also.
  8. grassroots

    Cola of the Year????

    does look nice how long u let it flower for? i wanted to grow this strain soon.
  9. grassroots

    When should I chop- day 33 flower-pics

    yea they are big for cfls but ppl usally flower under an hid like an hps but thats really good for a cfl grow. Wait it out couple of week wait till u get a nice 50/50 cloudy/amber trichs. later
  10. grassroots

    Cola of the Year????

    Maybe from ur grow but ive seen bigger sure Fdd has also But good job looks really good wonder how much she weighs when dry.
  11. grassroots

    a hermie question

    Yea i harvested my purple widow that turnd hermi in the 6th week of flowerin. Has seeds in like every caylex fuckin sucks worse than mexi brick hate smokin it either gonna make hash or some edibles. peacce :peace:
  12. grassroots

    1200 watt halogen work lights

    lol i second that i didnt set-up my grow room til i had everything i needed be ready anything can happen later
  13. grassroots

    So many skunks

    I was thinkin of buying the Ceres skunk looks good i think im gonna get some Fem. Cheese from greenhouse. but pick wat u want and pick a strain that u really wanna grow always check the flowerin time and stuff so u know. good luck :peace:
  14. grassroots

    reason for a ballast?

    i have a 150 watt hps i just plug it into the wall i think it for an outside light but says 150 watt High pressure sodium on the light and i dont got a ballast. :peace:
  15. grassroots

    reason for a ballast?

    so wat if u have a hps light but no ballast is it needed to grow ??
  16. grassroots

    Quick reply plz

    Make it 4 heads Also from a-town i used to live off william cannon. Down by bowie high if u know where thats at. Nice set-up though wat strain u growin?
  17. grassroots

    Trouble ordering seeds with gift card

    I've used both the Visa and Mastercard versions of the card. just go to or watever site it says to go 2. enter ur address where ever ur sendin the product to and email or watever they need. after that ur good to go i have used it for an oversea order also. hope it helps :peace...
  18. grassroots

    Purple widow harvest questions

    Thank you smokertoker this helps out alot just gotta wait fot it. Ima get some pictures of the cured nugs in about a couple of weeks. thanks for the help.
  19. grassroots

    Purple widow harvest questions

    No pictures right now sorry u probably arnt missing nothing though. I planted 6 seeds in april was on the 20 or somethin but i guess the didnt get enough light so they went into flowerin i only got 2 females out the batch. so their kinda small. I still got 4 seeds ima put out tomarrow germd them...
  20. grassroots

    Purple widow harvest questions

    I have recently cut down my lady strain is purple widow. I just had a question to ask I hung the buds in my closet for 3 ddays now and recentely put them into jars the bud was really fluffy so it didnt take long. but it has a planty smell not like she did when she was growin it smelled like...