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  1. M

    Haze at 13 weeks, lack of bud?

    Our Haze plant is currently at 13 weeks into flower and it has hardly any bud on it. Has any one else had problems with Haze plants taking forever? We had to transplant in week 3 of flower, could this be what's causing the slow down? Should we give the plant a few more weeks? The plant looks...
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    Grassy smell while in jars? Am I doing this right? Please Help!

    I flushed them with water only for 2 weeks, so theres no issues there. Fuck it, il just keep em in the jars for a while and see what happens.
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    Grassy smell while in jars? Am I doing this right? Please Help!

    They have been in the jars for 3 days now, and as I said its NOT producing moisture on the sides of the jar. So I guess thats a good thing.. Who is right? midgrade just said give it a few weeks and it will loose the smell, now your telling me the complete opposite... I had 1 plant that was...
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    Grassy smell while in jars? Am I doing this right? Please Help!

    Thanks midgradeindasouth thats the exact answer I was looking for! Can't wait till these start smelling better. =) Guess all I need to do now is wait.. Memaw
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    Grassy smell while in jars? Am I doing this right? Please Help!

    hearmenow, 1: It did not smell like this grassy smell till a day after they where in the jars. They did have the nice pot smell on and off throughout flower some days it would be STRONG some days I could barley notice the smell. 2: I have a bunch of diffrent strains, you cant tell me they all...
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    Grassy smell while in jars? Am I doing this right? Please Help!

    I cut my plants down on Friday the 25th. I hung them to dry in a cardboard box with 2 semi large holes and a minifan blowing into one of the holes. After about 4 days they where pretty dry on the outsides so I cut them and put them into jars. I been opening the jars every 2 hours or so and...
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    issues lighting

    If you really wanted to you could use floros for your entire plant life, but you aren't going to get as good as a yield. But you're going to probably need a lot of them to get enough light to your plants. We use some floros to help get light under the plants/sides/etc, we use full spectrum and...
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    We never had any issues with wind burn personally, so I have no idea lol. I'm sure someone else here does, or if you search the forum that you can find something. A humidifier shouldn't give you any problems, I just wouldn't put it right on top of your plats. If you have any fans make sure...
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    2 weeks in " jus a question

    And as a side note (sorry for the double posting) your plants can and will grow into your lights if you have them too too close, so be sure to check them every day to make sure this doesn't happen! We had one of ours grow into one of our lights, luckily we caught it next day. -Memaw's GF
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    2 weeks in " jus a question

    This is a moisture meter: You stick it in your pot and it tells you how wet your soil is. ;) Of course their are fancier ones out there and what not, but the one we use is this sort of style, but it doesn't look exactly like this one. They are pretty cheap at your garden store. I tend to...
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    Apartment Growing

    That plastic box is just... amazing. Very awesome idea. :D I think first grows are difficult no matter where you are, or what style of growing you are doing. Memaw and I had our number of obstacles to overcome, just as every first-time grower does, I'm sure. Our set up is currently in the...
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    We keep ours like right next to our plants, though the one that was directly in front of it was at least a foot, if not two away. We didn't have any problems. Air blowing on the plants is a good thing -- it strengthens the stalks. You just have to watch for windburn. -Memaw's GF
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    First Harvest

    We didn't weigh them. They are sitting in the drying box, I have more pictures to upload but I can't be assed to do it now. -Memaw's GF
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    7 Weeks into Flower

    Oh yeah, we use CO2 too.
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    First Harvest

    Well, here are some pictures of our harvest. Plants are 8 weeks old. These are thumbnails, so be sure to click for the full view! Hindu Kush Hindu Kush again The harvest :D Some misc. one (his buddy gave us a bunch of misc. seeds he'd collected, so we grew 'em out) The other Hindu...
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    7 Weeks into Flower

    Vegged for 3 weeks, planning on doing it longer next round since we have more room (especially height-wise) for the plants to grow. For flower we use 600watt HPS for flower, 400watt MH for veg guys. We do use molasses through the entire flowering cycle. They do look better than what they seem...
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    7 Weeks into Flower

    Psh, yes I'm female. At least last time I checked I had tits, a snatch, and lack of a penis, so that does indeed make me female, does it not? I am just in the picture for height reference. That one Haze is getting super tall. Next time I'm in a picture I'll be sure to wear something more...
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    7 Weeks into Flower

    Your saying an oz to an oz and a half per plant right? If so that will make my very happy! =p Also thats my fiance, and yes shes female =p Memaw
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    7 Weeks into Flower

    I have 1 600w hps for my flower room and 1 400w mh for my veg. The little guys up front and the 3 guys in the pot to the left are the same age as the rest. I ran out of pots at the time I transplanted so I kept them in some mini square pots and didnt really care about em. They didnt really grow...
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    7 Weeks into Flower

    Well I am 7 weeks into flower now, my bubblishious and haze are taking longer but heres my plants. What do you guys think for a noobs first grow? Also any ideas on quantity after harvest? (I know I need to get some more closeups) MeMaw