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  1. shrewify

    All leaves turning yellow... Fall color yellow.

    i'll get a picture up...
  2. shrewify

    All leaves turning yellow... Fall color yellow.

    All plants... Except two that are not even close to done flowering. So 7 out of 9 plants are all turnning yellow from the floor up. Not nute problem. Is it just that time of year? :(
  3. shrewify

    See through spots on leaves, (with pics)

    Pesticides like azamax, or put a shelter over them. Unless you know which bugs, it's pretty hard to determine the corse of action.
  4. shrewify

    Anyone caught growing in NY?

    Lol at this. My only worry is being ripped off!
  5. shrewify

    what the F is going on?!

    Whats going on in here...
  6. shrewify

    Banned From Irc

    I am not using a proxy, and it gives me this error. ERROR: Closing Link: Shrewify [ my ip address was here] (User is banned ( You are in the DNSBL. Please visit; there was a weblink here with my ip address) I am not using a proxy
  7. shrewify

    Night time temps?

    THis would be ideal imo. Let us know what you decide to do! Also, pictures are always a plus ;)
  8. shrewify

    Plants not flowering yet!!!!!!!!!

    that sucks man :(
  9. shrewify

    Two Ladies 19 days into flower!!!

    Not bad man! Good job.
  10. shrewify

    Warning: carcinogens found in Humboldt county's own products

    I used both bushmaster and gravity. The thing is, bushmaster only requres it to be applied 2-4 times MAX during the entire grow stage at the beginning of flowers. I have been told that plants don't store nutrients, they only use what they need to flurish. I am a big fan of these products...
  11. shrewify

    Hi everybody. Colorado Outdoors Here!

    Nice! I'm between pueblo and srpings. So i'm not entirely sure to be honest lol.
  12. shrewify

    Plant problem

    DO you have a picture what it looked like before? It looks like its oozing out of its self. Which is really grotesque.
  13. shrewify

    Banned From Irc

    irc is the live chat here at rollitup
  14. shrewify

    Hi everybody. Colorado Outdoors Here!

    I go by shrewify on this forum. I have been growing for 3 years now, and i like computers and computer games. I am easy going, and i also work at a "shop". If there is anything you wish to know let me know. I like to share what i know, and learn what i don't. I view my growing will always...
  15. shrewify

    is it safe to keep lights on while not at home?

    It really depends. DO you feel safe leaving them on? Is the equipment you use trust worthy? Name brand, off brand etc.
  16. shrewify

    Banned From Irc

    Instead of creating a new thread, i will ask this also. How the hell do i change my profile picture?
  17. shrewify

    What to do with 30g of dry trim?

    ive got this, one second.
  18. shrewify

    Banned From Irc

    Don't know why, i didn't ask for help on growing.