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  1. Ganga89

    help with hps and mh change over

    yes idd userfriendly, thanks a lot. i was in the same boat as kulan hunter and was going for the hps conversion bulb. after reading this thread, i'm forgetting about that and going with the HPS bulb for flowering. may buy a 125 2700k later to aid the flowering but its not essential. quality of...
  2. Ganga89

    HPS Conversion Bulb.

    UK420 > Is it ok to use HPS lamp with metal halide balast? EYE 360W HPS Conversion Bulb - Plantlighting Hydroponics here's a site for u btw, just google it and hope for the best
  3. Ganga89

    HPS Conversion Bulb.

    mreverything, let me know if u find something please, i made the same mistake lol. really need that hps light for flowering now :(
  4. Ganga89

    Has Anyone Attempted The 6 Hr 40 Min On/ 12 Hr Off Schedule?

    ok well here's an update. i found out that after 2 weeks of using this method, i had light leaks in my closet (shit!) so now that i have fixed this problem, 3 days (18 hr days) of putting the plant in complete darkness for the 12 off period, i had preflowers. this was 2 days ago. i now am...
  5. Ganga89

    My first grow.

    ye the rocks help keep the soil moist. the light can penetrate through the top layer of the soil. the rocks stop this allowing more space for the roots to grow. always going to help having mroe roots, especially for flowering. also as less light hits the soil, the humus levels do not decline at...
  6. Ganga89

    running into some issues on day 11

    i did the same with my mh lamp. follow what these guys said, i'd say at least a foot between canopy and the lamp if you still have babies, bring it a little closer if you want when they get bigger. no need though i say cos ur plants just get bigger quickly with an mh so the distance is always...
  7. Ganga89

    P.P.P. x Blueberry x Sativa.(Full gro with pics)

    no its some sort of liquid cos u cn see an air bubble in the bottom right hand corner. i'd also go with the hash oil maybe, due to the vast amount that u grow nat, certainly could be making a health amount of hash oil, i mean thats a lot of good product to go to waste :(
  8. Ganga89

    Has Anyone Attempted The 6 Hr 40 Min On/ 12 Hr Off Schedule?

    thanks a lot, ye i thought the same about the stretching
  9. Ganga89

    Has Anyone Attempted The 6 Hr 40 Min On/ 12 Hr Off Schedule?

    ok things just got worse. on friday i had to take a trip for the weekend. my timer was fixed and everything was going fine. i was about to leave when my mh lamp stopped working and i had no time to fix it. i had no other choice but to leave it by the window so that it received some light. the...
  10. Ganga89

    Has Anyone Attempted The 6 Hr 40 Min On/ 12 Hr Off Schedule?

    thanks for the response, much appreciated
  11. Ganga89

    P.P.P. x Blueberry x Sativa.(Full gro with pics)

    omg lol natmoon, u are my hero. cool to see you're also from the uk, not just the big US growers. i hope to follow in some of ur footsteps to get some real successful grows. i'm a first timer atm but i want your experience. all credit to ya mate, keep it up ;)
  12. Ganga89

    Urgent Help Required!

    cheers guys, i had a feeling i should just carry on.
  13. Ganga89

    Urgent Help Required!

    HELP REQUIRED, my timer didnt turn off, it must have broken somehow. anyway i was out and when i came back my lights were still on when they should have been off. therefore the light was left on a further six hours than they should have. i am running an 18 hour day of 6/12. so the plants were...
  14. Ganga89

    Has Anyone Attempted The 6 Hr 40 Min On/ 12 Hr Off Schedule?

    HELP REQUIRED, my timer didnt turn off, it must have broken somehow. anyway i was out and when i came back my lights were still on when they should have been off. therefore the light was left on a further six hours than they should have. i am running an 18 hour day of 6/12. so the plants were...
  15. Ganga89

    My Very First Flowering

    ok, think this guy has received enough criticism. there really isnt a maybe to this frosty, but your plant won't finish in 4 weeks, no matter how great the conditions are. around 6 weeks is the fastest flowering time i think but don't hold me to it. average plants take at least 8-10 weeks of...
  16. Ganga89

    Has Anyone Attempted The 6 Hr 40 Min On/ 12 Hr Off Schedule?

    no, no experience yet, but its going well (i think) plant too young to tell and haven't really noticed and increase in growth rate which i think you're supposed during flowering. its only been a week of flowering though so i shall i hope for the best. here's what she looks like now, going to...
  17. Ganga89

    Sampling my bud

    ye i wouldny smoke that just yet. the bud won't contain enough thc yet and thats what gets you high. wait for a few trichomes to appear before u even think of sampling imo, they contain concentrated amounts of thc as someone stated earlier. gl
  18. Ganga89

    My first grow.

    more updates please :D
  19. Ganga89

    Has Anyone Attempted The 6 Hr 40 Min On/ 12 Hr Off Schedule?

    ye wish i had more time to veg. not using a hps light due to budget on this lil project, being my first and grow and all as well. will buy an enviro for flowering some time this week.
  20. Ganga89

    Has Anyone Attempted The 6 Hr 40 Min On/ 12 Hr Off Schedule?

    well i am doing an 18 hour day using 6/12 as seen by someone on IC. not too pleased about the reduced rate of growth as my plant was too young for flowering but had no choice but to do due to future circumstances. anyway i started flowering on monday and i am seeing pistils already. some people...