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  1. J

    Reflectors for bigger CFL's

    What up nongreen - What' goin on man. Dude, uhh.... I think you missed something... He posted a big ass pic of the 42 watter he's talking about...Doesn't make much sense, the problem he's describing, but I doubt he'd be trying to put one of those nice high powered u-tubes in a clamp light! By...
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    What CLF Bulbs To Get?

    Shanti - What's up with the algebra man? lol. Actually, Envirolites are the real deal; in other words, they're rated in actual wattage - not equivalent incandescent wattage. 125w Envirolite is ,uhh... 125w. So, Crompy, you're obviously not in the US, right? You wouldn't believe what a pain in...
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    Reflectors for bigger CFL's

    What's up Zombi - Dude, I'm not sure I really understand your problem... I'm using a few of the 42 watters for side lighting, and they fit just fine in ANY standard clamp light/reflector. If you managed to buy a 42w cfl with a mogul socket, well, that's just plain weird. I'm also assuming that...
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    Update! First grow, floro, 6 1/2 weeks flowering...

    Say what?? I'll cut YOU, Biatch!.......What goin on Ian - Pretty pics man. Dude, I must be crazy, becuase I only see like 4 26w cfl's, plus a tube or two on top? WTF? Tell me I'm wrong man. SO jealous. How the heck did you manage THAT? I'd love to know exactly what lights you've got happening...
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    Changing Resevoir?? WHY?

    WTF? Did I miss something guys? Just curious....
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    how am i doing? (pic)

    What's up Justin - Looks like people are trying to help you out, but you really haven't given enough information... 2 months? Green_nobody was actually relatively KIND with his comments! WAY too small, AND stretched. That sucks man, I'm sorry... but you're obviously doing something, or...
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    Flush nute solution frequency.

    What's up man - Bro, if you can afford it, DO IT! I believe, as long as your nute levels and ph are right on, and your plants are responding well to those exact levels, giving them fresh and balanced nutes and water more often can ONLY help, not hurt. PLUS, and this is especially true for DWC...
  8. J

    Root rot in bloom? Please help me find a solution.

    What's up bro. I'm trying out your ideas to cool my res as we speak, so thanks again for throwing out that "tying down ice in the res thing". With all due respect though - and I MEAN that man, for real - I think you're wrong. It's probably pointless now anyway, as the girl's plant looks pretty...
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    Root rot in bloom? Please help me find a solution.

    Dude, you're partly right... In order for water to evaporate, it's gotta be warmer than the air around it. But, as far as AC adding humidity? You've got it totally backwards. An air conditioner is basically a DEhumidifier which extracts the warm moisture from the air and cools it. Good call on...
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    What's up Stoned - I can't believe no one's answered that question, man! Granted, it was a tough one!! I wish I could help man, really... It's even more confusing since you're comparing bulbs w/ different wattages AND different spectrums. Even if they were the same wattage, I don't know if a 41K...
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    How to cool my Bubbleponics res? AND- Where to get BIG CFL's!?

    Hey -What's happenin - Thanks for the help guys, and all the info. The chiller is out of my reach ($) right now, but it's good to know. I picked up a couple extra airstones, some more airhose and some T's; seems to be helping quite a bit. That's a great point about the placement of the airpump...
  12. J

    Root rot in bloom? Please help me find a solution.

    What's up Reeffer - Good call man. But I didn't mean water in the outside tub. Even ice might cause humidity problems. If you're going that route, as a last resort, make sure you monitor your humidity closely, and that your gauge is accurate. For a damaged, and/or stressed plant, high temps, and...
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    Stoned4good - What's up bro. You still having a hard time finding 65K cfl's? Unless you're prepared to order online (there's quite a few places with a great selection - overpriced, but higher wattages available), you're kind of stuck with Walmart/Home Depot/Lowe's, etc... Walmart's 42 watters...
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    HOT cfl BURN solution question/solution?

    What's happenin growers - Just wanted to throw in my 2 cents... Catgirl, and Fletch, just wondering where you guys picked up your cfl's? Always on the lookout for options... Cat, I think your info's slightly off.. The best cfl's, in ANY wattage for vegging are "daylight", or 6500K, and for...
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    Root rot in bloom? Please help me find a solution.

    What up Stargrl - Those pics of your roots are TRULY disturbing. I can't get them out of my head! Nightmares! Looks like everyone is really trying to help you out; check out TOKE's advice, it was right on. I'm a firsttimer, but, with all due respect, I don't know how you got this far with...
  16. J

    Root rot in bloom? Please help me find a solution.

    What up Stargrl - Those pics of your roots are TRULY disturbing. I can't get them out of my head! Nightmares! Looks like everyone is really trying to help you out; check out TOKE's advice, it was right on. I'm a firsttimer, but, with all due respect, I don't know how you got this far with...
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    Cabinet is Finished

    Holy crap TOKE - Your cab is GORGEOUS! I'm insanely jealous. I wish I had the skills man. Hanging my lights was like rocket science for me... lot's of duct tape.... Let me know how you deal with the high res temps, especially if you start using the frozen bottles in there, and if the roots don't...
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    How to cool my Bubbleponics res? AND- Where to get BIG CFL's!?

    What's happenin TOKE - thanks for the advice bro. Cooling coils, huh? That's insane! Great idea man, I'm gonna check it out. As far as the frozen 2liter... is your res seperate from your grow tub, or one in the same??? Would the roots be damaged by direct contact with even a smaller frozen...
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    How to cool my Bubbleponics res? AND- Where to get BIG CFL's!?

    Thanks bro - appreciate the post, but I'm talking about REAL wattage, not equivalent. Walmart rocks for sure; using those for side lighting. Actually, the 42watters are flowering bulbs, at least at my walmart. The 26w daylight 65k's they sell are for vegging. Using those for side lighting also...
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    How to cool my Bubbleponics res? AND- Where to get BIG CFL's!?

    What up Panda - Thanks for replying bro. Good freaking Q man. I don't know why my res won't stay cooler; it's not that bad, just not in the optimum range. My 6 indica's are recovering suprisingly well (thought my newjack ass killed them) from some serious nute burn, and I just want to make sure...