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  1. ClosetCoco

    1st Grow [Closet, CoCo, Clones, CFL]

    ill be sure to get a ph meter in the near future. ill tag the iced grapefruit. all the unlabled ones will be the reggie. HOLY CRAP?! 1 month? i am going to keep my eye on those on craigslist. wow. that is amazing and i had no idea. wow, i wished i lived near a dispensary. sadly the...
  2. ClosetCoco

    Smallest Grow Area for a 1000w HPS

    thats awesome! i am glad i ran into that deal. defintly saved me lots of money i think its about 10$ i think this it? i can just adjust the light a little higher so it wont burn the plants. right? well i didnt explain it exactly right he gave me the ballast, bulb and socket for 150$ all...
  3. ClosetCoco

    Purple Haze Grow

    Great looking plants man.... any more info on your total set up? and check out my journal and see what you think....
  4. ClosetCoco

    1st Grow [Closet, CoCo, Clones, CFL]

    DUDE! thankks so much for the long post. i really appreciate it. the more i learn the better. haha yeah. growing bud is somthing i have had my eye for about 5-6 years. the only thing was i didnt have a place to grow. so i just saved my money till i got my place. i have had many 5am...
  5. ClosetCoco

    newbie grower from houston would like some help, or just some constructive critisism

    That back right plant looks like its getting over watered or over nuted....
  6. ClosetCoco

    1st Grow [Closet, CoCo, Clones, CFL]

    Thanks so much for the advice, Research is pretty much the only thing i .. I can't play with the seedling and I don't want to watch dirt so research it is! I figured we would need to buy more nutes but hopefully we will have more money by then... we definately blew our budget with all...
  7. ClosetCoco

    Smallest Grow Area for a 1000w HPS

    So i recently ran into a super deal on craigslist. i got a lumatek ballast 1000 watt, EyE hortilux super hps, and reflector for 200$ the ballast and the relfector didnt have the same plug, but im assuming when i go to the hydroshop i can find a converter.. i wasnt expecting to run into such...
  8. ClosetCoco

    What did you Get Done in the Grow Room Today?

    woke up in the middle of the night so i smoked a bowl and decided to finish up my grow room and check on the babies finished installing exit of the exhaust system. (into a super convenient attic opening) the six inch fan makes my t5's so cool. also gives the seedlings a nice breeze. checked...
  9. ClosetCoco

    Need 12/12 from seed growers advice..

    im wondering the exact same thing actually! lol im only in the vegging step and havent set up the flowering room. i was thinking about going 12/12 so i wont have to worry about creating another section for flowering.
  10. ClosetCoco

    how far do i keep my 400watt hps from my clones

    im dont think you need a hps for clones, a CFL would do.
  11. ClosetCoco

    1st Grow [Closet, CoCo, Clones, CFL]

    Day 02 (4/8/2011) i inherited some plants from a friend this what they looked like trying to save them! i watered them and lightly nuted them as well Day 03 (4/9/2011) they recovered into this: after i shot the video i fixed the exhaust to the...
  12. ClosetCoco

    1st grow 1st roadblock

    im thinking nute burn... maybe flush your plants? and half the nutes your using? also use your hand to check and see if the light is to close if your hand get uncomfortable in 2 mins then its to close.
  13. ClosetCoco

    Out of Control! Will They Slow Down?

    your light needs to be closer to the plants? its kind of hard to tell with the pictures you provided... but you look fine other than that....
  14. ClosetCoco

    1st time grow.Please help

    the watts dont matter when your talking cfl.... you need to look at the lumen's....just look at the box heres a chart
  15. ClosetCoco

    1st Grow Cfl

    your looking pretty good man.... the 150w hps will be fine for 1 should start nutes at 1/4 strength and work your way up.... its a little to late for lst but keep it up your looking fine... its sucks that your lights went off.. but oh well thats life right?
  16. ClosetCoco

    1st Grow Bagseed General Advice

    this is a great start.... don't expect to yield to much as said before your plant is a stretched which happens when the light is to far away.... for a complete legit grow your going to need to buy a lot more supplies.... are you using regular soil from outside? you definitely need to nute but...
  17. ClosetCoco

    PH Meter (where to buy)

    what kind of ph meter should i buy to use with my coco setup i would like to get it on amazon preferably
  18. ClosetCoco

    i recently got a PPM meter [i think?, now wtf is it for]

    i spent 999$/1000$ budget. is there any way i can use this with my set up? the only nutes im using is rhizotonic, canna a+b. and earth juice im growing iced grapefruit and im about to get abunch of bag seed
  19. ClosetCoco

    i recently got a PPM meter [i think?, now wtf is it for]

    my friend had a ppm meter laying around and donated it to me. i just dont know what to do with it? lol do i measure the ppm of the water i am going to put in my coco or like the nutes? or what? this is the one