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  1. Silence 208

    First Grow Recommendations and yeild speculations

    If I were you I'd get 4gal pots fox farms ocean forest whatever line of nutes just don't over feed or water that's all I use I have a 250w MH for veg and 400HPS for flower my tent is 40x40x72 and my last run on 4 plants wet weight I pulled just over 1 lb. Dry and cured I had 184g that was in...
  2. Silence 208

    Am I growing right ? 2 weeks in

    Hey man just an FYI every plant has 3 phases seeding, veg, and flower from the time they pop from seed till 1 months old is the seedling stage if you start with a good soil you will not have to feed this entire time only water the soil you start with should with out a question suffice until 1...
  3. Silence 208

    How long before I give up?

    Hey just a question when you harvested your crop and seeds were the seed visible on the plant or did you have to break open the Calyxes or did the seeds just fall right out ,between the two if they just fell out as you pinched the buds they are fully matured if they hold on to the plant they...
  4. Silence 208

    How long before I give up?

    It's really strange hearing you guys say you put your seeds in the freezer I really think that's a bad idea even tho the seed is sealed the inside could still burn cool dark place my seeds have been good for over 10yrs
  5. Silence 208

    Buds turning purple

    I personally don't think it's something to do with temp unless you are getting 20 plus degree drops it could also be a slight chance of cal mag deficiency hit it with a drink of that see what happens in a few days
  6. Silence 208

    Buds turning purple

    Are they from seed??? If so it could very well be a different pheno type and if it is a indica it's common to show purple on the stem and leaves and buds
  7. Silence 208

    New to Indoor grow

    Thanks man I appreciate it and I've cut it in the past with two different things sometimes I use roots organic or sunshine mix #4 and the results have always been great and I use organic sea weed to start with and Fox farms nute line
  8. Silence 208

    Need Help identifying whats going on

    I typically would soak for 24 hrs
  9. Silence 208

    New to Indoor grow

    It's a high yielder keep your Temps good and food just right depending on the size of your pots let's just say 5gal 1000hps easily I'd say 3/4 of a lb. Per plant granted you supercrop and top and FIM your plants to be a heavy weight the end result is always in the hands of the grower remember it...
  10. Silence 208

    New to Indoor grow

    Well I guess I should of said depending on the type of medium you are using i use fox farms ocean forest in 4gal smart pots and I only water I'll post some pics in a moment they are 24 days old from seed so for me this is when I decide to start feeding I also top now I love two headed monsters
  11. Silence 208

    3x3x6 room sog question+led

    That's a good question based on what you've described as your grow space 3x3 is somewhat tight confines run 9x 4gal if your trying to produce 1/2 lb each dry or wet is the question but most of the time you want dry expectations so 1 lb dry would mean you need to gross weight over three pounds...
  12. Silence 208


    I've seen it and most of the time they are very tight foxtails not so legged out and in my experience it's due to very hot conditions to avoid more air and wind movement around the tops will reduce the chances of this happening it's a stress that is for sure and when you stress a woman out she...
  13. Silence 208

    Seedlings and LEDs

    Like MD said if it burns your hand it burns your plants but an average distance I'd put it at 3-5 inches away just depends on the intensity your light outputs since it's led you shouldn't deal with too much heat also have a fan constantly on moving air around your plants that helps strengthen...
  14. Silence 208

    3x3x6 room sog question+led

    And if you want to get ideal lighting would be 400w MH and 400w HPS for a great outcome
  15. Silence 208

    3x3x6 room sog question+led

    Hey man how's it going just from my experience I've grown in all kinds of conditions in my opinion I'd grow in 3-4 gal pots 5gal pots are just to big for the lack of light you plan on using i on an average pull 1/4 lb per plant dry weight use fox farms ocean forest and use what ever nutes ( just...
  16. Silence 208

    Need Help identifying whats going on

    Just a question did you pre soak these cubes in PH'D water rock wool is typically VERY acidic that's why I stick with God's natural gift soil lol or it could very well be a bad seed it happens not every seed is a winner
  17. Silence 208

    New to Indoor grow

    Just an FYI 24HRS of is a waste of energy 18/6 during veg. 12/12 for flower science has proven that plants can only intake so much light before they use that energy to grow during the off cycle and use a good organic soil not Miracle Grow to many additives and don't use nutes for at least 3-4 weeks
  18. Silence 208

    How long before I give up?

    OK kool I thought I was missing something thanks I'll make posts with updates on my grow
  19. Silence 208

    How long before I give up?

    How do I "LIKE" a post