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  1. Silence 208

    How long before I give up?

    If you don't store the seeds properly they dry up and die so cool dark area in zip lock bags in a plastic dark container been storing mine for 8 yrs now
  2. Silence 208

    How long before I give up?

    A moist little white embryo should reside in the seed
  3. Silence 208

    Silica/Neem in Veg for spider mites and Silica/Spinosad in Flower???

    I can insure you that your wrong whitebb look at my tent clean no pest 29 days old no gnats no mites just healthy girls and p.s I'm always high Dick lol
  4. Silence 208


    Yet again if you water your ladies the weight of your pots get stupid heavy pick it up feel the weight and then just wait until you can lift it up with your pinky finger don't let it get to the point where your plants droop limp just monitor it for a few weeks to get an idea of how fast the...
  5. Silence 208

    Silica/Neem in Veg for spider mites and Silica/Spinosad in Flower???

    Well I could care less if it's bad advice lol I said lady bugs to be funny about the situation it's not that hard to get rid of pest even easier to prevent them by spraying the surrounding area with repellant against mites
  6. Silence 208

    Silica/Neem in Veg for spider mites and Silica/Spinosad in Flower???

    I personally run indoor grows and not once have I had mites in over 10 yrs so maybe that's why I don't have the best insight on the problem lol dirty grow room tend to be the target of most pest problems I run a tight ship and unwanted guest don't come around
  7. Silence 208

    Silica/Neem in Veg for spider mites and Silica/Spinosad in Flower???

    I'm glad I don't run into problems like these lol
  8. Silence 208

    Silica/Neem in Veg for spider mites and Silica/Spinosad in Flower???

    Well if your mite problem is as bad as you say it is time to go buy 1000 lady bugs they will eradicate your pest problem
  9. Silence 208

    Is this light a good deal?

    Personally I have yet to meet a big time grower ever use just led lights HID lights in my opinion are going to yield way more bud then a led at a fraction of the cost
  10. Silence 208


    Same here I use 4 gal smart pots they breathe better than anything I've ever used and takes 6-8 days to be super light then either a just water day or feed day
  11. Silence 208

    Looking for help

    Hey man its maybe because all soil organic or not comes with a shit ton of nutes and alot of the time people don't know this they just think it's a good soil to use. And you get things going and they look at the feeding charts of there nute line they plan on using and begin feeding not knowing...
  12. Silence 208


    Hey man as I look at your pics I can see that your lower growth is very yellowish and seems to be dying how often do you water rule of thumb if the plant feels heavy it doesn't need water if you can pick it up with your pinky it needs water and you said no nutes are being used kindsoil only goes...
  13. Silence 208

    OK it's getting closer so...How Much??

    Kool well I'm sure it will be very tasty when said and done let it ride I had a friend that had a auto run 137 days CRAZY but this damn thing was 6 ft tall to lol and I think he dried netted like 6ish Oz
  14. Silence 208

    Heating or Overwatering? HELP!?

    Hey man like lord said what's up with the heating lamp the only thing pot needs to grow is a nice organic medium and efficient lighting source nothing more plants that young need moist soil not soaked and no nutes this little he or she has what looks like nute burn heat burn and poor lighting...
  15. Silence 208

    OK it's getting closer so...How Much??

    Well rule of thumb is that you will typically lose 60-80% weight just depends on your conditions of your drying room so I'll hope everything works out and you get more than my prediction but water weight can be deceiving are the buds firm hard as rocks or supple and soft
  16. Silence 208

    Silica/Neem in Veg for spider mites and Silica/Spinosad in Flower???

    Hey man I see your having trouble finding the right answer I only and will only use AZAMAX BY GENERAL HYDROPONICS easy to use and very fast direct application to leaves tops and under the leaves most people forget to spray the under side and also soil application if you see bugs use first ask...
  17. Silence 208

    She's kinda stuck.

    Not every seed is a winner and if you use soil you wouldn't have to deal with that those stupid sponge like pods sucks I've lost lots of genetics from that crap SOIL is the best next I'd say rock wool cubes
  18. Silence 208

    OK it's getting closer so...How Much??

    Are you talking wet weight or dried weight I'll say 46g wet 19g dried
  19. Silence 208

    Why is Donald Trump disliked by so many people?

    And I'd say your also an idiot Republican poor choices have led us to where we are now the FUCKING BUSH ADMINISTRATION from 2000-2008 put us in this fucking position with our backs against the wall and it's the faults of poor leading SEARCHING for WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION wait right that...
  20. Silence 208

    Why is Donald Trump disliked by so many people?

    OK your an idiot, not only was it the Republican party with the BUSH ADMINISTRATION who clearly invaded Iraq and I'd like you to prove it was the Democratic party Obama didn't take office till 2008 so from 2000-2008 OUR country had been run by REPUBLICANS and again prove it wasn't so the...