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  1. Silence 208

    Nutrient help!

    Right in most ways I prefer halo because it's easier to comprehend C.O.D is very complex game play it's quick and by the time you get going your dead over and over and over makes it not worth playing for me
  2. Silence 208

    Nutrient help!

    It's ok it's not something that I'd play I enjoy the halo series call of duty has so many people that are so good it's not worth playing maybe the campaign is good but co-op playing you probably won't do well lol
  3. Silence 208

    Nutrient help!

    Lol call of duty is a war fighting game I think they have made like 12 lol but why do you ask
  4. Silence 208

    Why is Donald Trump disliked by so many people?

    Because out of everything you point out is my Grammer when my auto correct puts in YOUR even when I put YOU'RE so get off my Dick my point is made time and time again
  5. Silence 208

    Why is Donald Trump disliked by so many people?

    You Grammer fucks lol YOUR YOU'RE who gives a fuck the point is made
  6. Silence 208

    Nutrient help!

    Ya man if I still had all the photos I'd post them but I've lost all of them when my better half slammed my photo phone against the wall lol I had over 40 runs and they are all gone but these are my new ladies and I'll share step by step one is white widow (L)and the other pure kush (R) both are...
  7. Silence 208

    Nutrient help!

    Well I have some really good friends that work for worms way and and he's used both kinds and his answer was that over time from veg and flower the added minerals tend to block beneficials from the soil ( wait are you using soil or DWC or hydroponics) well for my application it's in soil and he...
  8. Silence 208

    Nutrient help!

    And to avoid that I like taking 2 cups or so out of the gal pop it in the microwave not so hot but hot and mix the molasses that way then pour back in the gal that way nothing sticks make sure it's unsulphured
  9. Silence 208

    She's kinda stuck.

    These are my day 29 white widow and pure kush from seed I just started feeding
  10. Silence 208

    Nutrient help!

    Hey what's up man if you're trying to be cheap and spend like 15 to 20 bucks on a good line of nutrients that I use all the time when I run out of the good stuff Botanicare nutrient line comes in three kit for like 16 to 20 bucks it has your grow your bloom in your choice either a Cal Mag or...
  11. Silence 208

    MUST SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ORGANIC, SCROG, SOIL, ADVISE.

    Hey man how's it going looking and reading everything you have going on I will ask you this you say your only using 1/2 gal to water in a 7gal pot ,in my experience not enough water I use 4 gal smart pots and I use 1/2 gal to water you want at least a 15% runoff while watering then take the...
  12. Silence 208

    Why is Donald Trump disliked by so many people?

    If trump force one were to nose dive into the god damn Atlantic Ocean the greatest thing that ever happened to America would be just that
  13. Silence 208

    Why is Donald Trump disliked by so many people?

    One thing that REALLY disgusts me about this fat fuck is that he can't seem to keep his GOD DAMN MOUTH SHUT every 15 seconds his DEEP BREATH and smacking like an animal I want to punch him in the throat
  14. Silence 208

    Why is Donald Trump disliked by so many people?

    Hey he won something the losing vote
  15. Silence 208

    Silica/Neem in Veg for spider mites and Silica/Spinosad in Flower???

    See I knew that last your would cause such a rise out of you lol its too easy pushing a toddlers buttons and I don't show first ladies first
  16. Silence 208

    Silica/Neem in Veg for spider mites and Silica/Spinosad in Flower???

    Lmao that's right I'm a douche and I've been sent here to clean up all the smelly stinky PUSSIES like you so go on and continue correcting my Grammer it's not making me one bit upset I see I've got you by the tongue and your impulse to correct me seems so automatic so thanks dad your the best
  17. Silence 208

    How long before I give up?

    Sometimes having a shed or even a clear tarp will help reduce heat levels from destroying your product it sucks man but watch some YouTube vids on how outdoor growers handle the elements
  18. Silence 208

    Silica/Neem in Veg for spider mites and Silica/Spinosad in Flower???

    Lol auto correct inserted insure Dick face sorry if I didn't proof read before I posted and I've grown in and out I just prefer to grow inside and EVERYTHING is preventable and able to be maintained your just one of those excuse type of people I have kids and 3 dogs and I maintain perfection...