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  1. Silence 208

    Why is Donald Trump disliked by so many people?

    If trumpet asked for a hug from me I'll ask for 10 million because I'm sure it's like 10$ to this fucking crook
  2. Silence 208


    If anyone's like me I love trimming put on some good music on and let's get snipping it really solidifies the entire process for me fruits of the labor and time put in
  3. Silence 208

    Is this a male?

    I think the diverse mind set of people make me laugh I enjoy All points of view no matter how heinous they are lol and encourage more everyday because at the end of the day I'm going smoke this fat hash joint and keep it growing lol
  4. Silence 208

    Is this a male?

    Nobody said co2 plants thrive on co2 but emit o2 but what plant life doesn't emit o2
  5. Silence 208

    Is this a male?

    Yep your right plants use dark time to release oils and use that stored energy to emit o2 and it helps develope darker colors in the leaves people try to debate this but if they want answers it's out there for them to investigate
  6. Silence 208

    Why is Donald Trump disliked by so many people?

    For any person to have a clear state of mind were to watch and listen to even half of the babble that comes out of this fat fuck mouth could clearly know that this guy is a dictator is that what we need a fucking dictator in every country that has a dictator ruling there living condition are...
  7. Silence 208

    Is this a male?

    Like I said before trial and error is what it's really going to boil down too let's say this maybe the lights have a lot to do with my reluctance to ever run 24/0 I use HID lights not CFL people say CFL lights work great but I'll tell you this right now my colas are close to the size of 2 liter...
  8. Silence 208

    first time cfl grower looking for help!

    Ive never been a fan of cfl's why not just get a 250W MH and HPS it's cheap I picked mine up with ballast for 125$ with both bulbs
  9. Silence 208

    mexican dirt weed seeds

    This is the funniest thread I've read in days keep growing and stay stoned let's just take a toke and all get along no need to cut throats about ones claims on prior history in the field of green let's all just get along and share helpful knowledge about the green we love
  10. Silence 208

    Am I growing right ? 2 weeks in

    How old are your plants and what kind of soil are they in if the soil is organic with beneficial nutes already in it you Don't have to feed them they are too young for advanced nutes if you look at my plants above they are 26 days old and no added nutes just ph'd water at 6.5-6.8 that's it and...
  11. Silence 208

    Am I growing right ? 2 weeks in

    Hey man well its too late now but in the future only use 3-?gal size pots 2 gal pots tend not to be big enough for the entire grow cycle and tends to effect the overall yield and using the flora series by GH is a good line starting with the soil I use 4 kinds not all in one pot lol but I use fox...
  12. Silence 208

    How long before I give up?

    And what genetics are these seeds from ?? And the hay smell is when the humidity has not been controlled properly and there is moisture deep in the bud but SUPER crispy on the outside of the bud in the future try and hang dry for 7-10 days then put them in paper bags for 7-10 day fluff every 2...
  13. Silence 208

    How long before I give up?

    What I meant by visible is when you look at the buds the seed has broke through the Calyxes exposing the seed which should be dark and tiger striped just barely poking out of the bud
  14. Silence 208

    Is this a male?

    OK I guess this all boils down to opinion on how your set up is and what you take as advice towards different techniques in growing weed, best way to learn is do it yourself .So we can just leave it at that lol I'm not hear to steer people into my methods they are just my thoughts and results in...
  15. Silence 208

    Is this a male?

    I agree homeostasis all around from the room to soil is key to heavy weight buds
  16. Silence 208

    Is this a male?

    I completely understand the genetic composition of auto flowers and the process some people take in growing them and I've had many people I know that have switched from running 24hrs to 18/6 and they have had a 1/3 increase in the yield what I'm trying to say is that some people only use methods...
  17. Silence 208

    Is this a male?

    You can pick up a auto timer that turns on and off for your lights I haven't manually turned on lights in 10 yrs lol just pick a time they come on in run from 630 a.m to 12:30 a.m 18 on 6 off its a good system that works well just work it out with your daily schedule to maximize your ability to...
  18. Silence 208

    Is this a male?

    Ya I do have proof that plants need dark time it's been published in over 100 different reads and even on I love marijuana. Com plants are living organisms just like humans that need rest and temperature shift between on and off times helps also with trike development I have a grow right now 26...
  19. Silence 208

    Florida Amendment 2

    I live in Tampa and I've been researching on this myself there are a lot of stipulations that inhibit the average guy with good credit and knowledge to open a shop and one is 30 yrs experience in owning a nursery well if you don't qualify no permit
  20. Silence 208

    Is this a male?

    24 hrs of light is a serious stress ALL plants need rest DARK time to use energy absorbed from lights 18hrs on 6hrs off has been the only way I grow my plants UNLESS I take clones I'll run 24hrs for two weeks for roots to take well then back to 18/6 it could be heat stress over feeding or over...