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  1. Under-Mi-Sensi

    Lighting Uncertainties

    Just ridiculous shit. I don't know why all these suburb words exist. A Town house is like a 'Condo,' only it's cheaper and only has two stories with no balcony(mine anyways). It sucks though, townhouses, just like Condos, are only so wide and connected to a bunch in a row. They're like...
  2. Under-Mi-Sensi

    Lighting Uncertainties

    Words of Wisdom... I'll probably make that investment when I have secure space. Being in a TownHouse isn't very chill, although, having a neighbor who supplies dank makes it a little easier! ;-)
  3. Under-Mi-Sensi

    Lighting Uncertainties

    They did get off to a rough start... ... I imagine adapting future generations to this setup won't be hard. The T5 set me back $125 bones (application specific bulbs included) All the other ballast's where slightly under $10, but each grow bulb cost $10 Ionizing/Carbon Purifier $20 Humidifier...
  4. Under-Mi-Sensi


    Check out my project... Specially My recent posts there...
  5. Under-Mi-Sensi

    Lighting Uncertainties

    more pics ....
  6. Under-Mi-Sensi

    Lighting Uncertainties

    more pics....
  7. Under-Mi-Sensi

    Lighting Uncertainties

    more pics....
  8. Under-Mi-Sensi

    Lighting Uncertainties

    Huge update!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Been a long time, I know. Had to nurse the ladies back to health after over-watering, getting root bound twice, and suffering from chlorosis. I know, a little too big, but my new high output 4 bulb T5 floros, 2 vertical 2 bulb T12 4 footers, and 2...
  9. Under-Mi-Sensi


    I'm definitely gonna re-gen. my girls, sounds awsome, and makes plenty of sense. I do have some questions though. How do you feed them nute's after they've sucked everything from the soil? New soil? And when harvest time comes around, what is the order in which/how I cut? (very paranoid to do it...
  10. Under-Mi-Sensi


    Thanks for the info! The article tckfui linked was exactly what I was looking for. Though I'm skeptical to try it, probably stick with clones. By the way, I'm interested in perpetuating my cycle, so where is the best place to take cuttings from a less mature budder? i.e. a branch directly from...
  11. Under-Mi-Sensi


    How do I (if possible) harvest my Buds without harming the ladies, then re-bud them? Would cloning be faster with a higher yield, or does it make a difference?
  12. Under-Mi-Sensi

    Lighting Uncertainties

    what lights can I fit in this closet?
  13. Under-Mi-Sensi

    Lighting Uncertainties

    Update: How's it Looking? I also got a Humidifier...
  14. Under-Mi-Sensi

    Lighting Uncertainties

    What else is a closet for? :blsmoke:
  15. Under-Mi-Sensi

    Lighting Uncertainties

  16. Under-Mi-Sensi

    Lighting Uncertainties

    The limp one didn't make it... 2 of them are doing awsome, and the other 1 (I believe it's a different Strain) is doing great, but growing much slower. (I think it's from a transplant I had to do, its working on its roots) I'm having digital camera problems right now, I'll get pics soon...
  17. Under-Mi-Sensi

    Lighting Uncertainties

    I found one of my 4 plants laying limp on the soil after some errands today. It is still green, but I'm not sure what happened to it, so I staked it up (young, only has 1st leafs). When I found it the Temp. was 77 degrees F. Don't think it went under 70 today. Any ideas?
  18. Under-Mi-Sensi

    Lighting Uncertainties

    Since no one wants to help the stupid newb I'm just gonna go for it... So I bought a 4` Flouro. Ballast, and 3050 Lumen "Daylight" Flouros. Lined my closet with a plastic DropCloth Installed the lights Set up my baybies Set an ocsillating fan in front of `em Put it all on a grounded 10...
  19. Under-Mi-Sensi

    Photoshop is fucking pissing me off

    Use this site Online Photoshop Tutorials, Tips and News. | Planet Photoshop
  20. Under-Mi-Sensi

    Photoshop is fucking pissing me off

    First of all, BUY A MAC (it's native Operating system), Microshit can suck my dick. But if your forced to use Bill Gates Shit straight from his Personal Septic-Tank, then the number-one resource for PhotoShop is Online Photoshop Tutorials, Tips and News. | Planet Photoshop Check out the Video...