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  1. W

    Need some advice from the pros

    feed them nutes with high Nitrogen bloodmeal works great ive been trying out new things like grow big sensi a and b dutchmaster and a few other, mine are showing buds on one of my superskunks the buds will turn brown and new buds will grow over them but i hear this makes ur bud tch lower in the...
  2. W

    Can I grow indoor seeds outdoor?

    where did it come from? has theyre always been indoors? plants have been around longer then we have and im sure they dont matter in or out, i prefer indoor till they are healthy under cfls 15 that is then outside to the great sun that no light can impersonate before i had 15 bulbs when i got my...
  3. W

    Outdoor Grow in the Northeast

    i believe its 8-12 inches to be planted in ground, give them a root system get them healthy b4 u do any planting in the ground u could end up killin all ur plants by bugs eating the lil ones wait till they are about 6-8 inches thats when i put them in the ground outside, this year im going pots...
  4. W

    big problem!!!!!

    remember no light when ur on the 12hours light and 12hours dark and if u use trash bags youll kill ur plants they need oxygen and co2 gases will trap in the bag that are not good for ur ladys
  5. W

    Questions About The Pot Choppers

    also helicopters fly over my plants everyday all day i live in the ghetto and they havent knocked my door down yet and also i had them in plain sight in middle of my backyard till i disguised them
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    Questions About The Pot Choppers

    never grow with anyone they always seem to tell someone who wants them more than u, also if they get busted they could bargain to give u up for a flea bargain sucks but its true
  7. W

    Check my progress!!

    how big do u want this to get? if u top it now it will be nothing and yield nothing its quite small wait till it has about 3-6 branches, not water leafs, the branches with nodes. and also to top it u just cut the new growth off the top not the whole thing about 80% of it off heres pics of my...
  8. W

    fdd's starting early ----- Outdoor '08

    one of my superskunks is flowering at the moment i live in california, its my biggest plant and ive been growing off of about 15cfls all colors of the spectrum. i recently put outside theyve been out theyre for about a week watering 3-4 days every two feedings i give them nutes with high N i use...
  9. W

    GDP clones

    i put a a baby about 3 inches tall in ground and now its a foot in a half in less than a month
  10. W

    California outdoor

    grew from about 15 cfls for unknown time put outside about week ago, used light nutrients and now ive been giving nute dose at 3/4 strength and going strong sorry for bad pics and the droopy one is always droopy dunno why and i dont over water, every 3-4 days
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    California outdoor

    heres my babys grew from about 15 cfls all spectrums and put outside about a week ago maybe less
  12. W

    what a rush

    well i just put my ladys out last week, i grew two from seed one turned male had to kill it yesterday the hardest thing ive had to do! i have 6 plants all clones except 1 seed i have left pretty sure its female i see hairs poppin now, but i have 2 superskunks, the chronic, ak47,and bagseed then...
  13. W

    What u pay per O?

    i pay 200 of that sticky icky from the back door of the club :)
  14. W

    Small plant problem : Asses please!

    possible over watering let the soil dry out get a moisture meter, every 2-3 days or as needed
  15. W

    God Bud and Mango Bud pics leaf questions

    what kinda lights r u using? if ur using cfl's u should have them around 3 inches away
  16. W

    Can somone help guide me on what to do???

    u dont use peat pellets with hydro dude
  17. W

    Newbie Needs Help beautiful cloned XXX OG

    looks fine to me looks like u got a lil case of spider mites, thats what happened to me when i put mine outside. i dont put them out side no more due to bugs. when introducing nutes use half of what the label says to use say half a tblspoon then as the plant gets older u can up the dosage heres...
  18. W

    My poor plants

    looks like nute burn to me
  19. W

    Super Skunk, Bagseed to top or ???

    ok so its been awhile since i updated this booger so here we go its been about 2 months since i updated with pics so here we go, the ones with buds on it has been hiddin in the back yard to date i just watered acouple times a week and its huge and bushy ive been using a new soil also its...
  20. W

    On my own so far - lots of questions thanks in advance

    well heres pics of my plants to date and heres pics of my girls 3 months ago