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  1. 9

    Indoor to Outdoor?

    So i was thinking about trying to get an early start for next years outdoor season but i got to thinking, if i start a mother plant inside (im doing clones) on 18/6 lighting schedule wont't it flower when i put it outside, since it'l only be around 13/11 or 14/10?
  2. 9

    Purple Bud

    cold temps at night are the only way to do it and even then not all plants will turn purple in cold weather anyway...i had one turn purple but none of the others did
  3. 9

    Drug Etiquette!!!

    don't hold the blunt or j and talk for a long time while its still burning, pass then talk.. if you drop the blunt or j clean it off before passing if someone smokes you out all the time offer to do the same don't critisize other peoples rolling skills if its their green, as bad as they...
  4. 9

    friggin' monster bears

    polar bears have been traveling farther and farther inland in recent years due to the deterioration of the sea ice on which they normally live and hunt. less sea ice means less seals to eat which means they must travel farther in search of food...just thought yall should know:blsmoke:
  5. 9

    a view point from the natgeo show last night...

    does anyone have a link to view the video on the internet? i've been looking with no success and i work all the time so i won't get to catch it when it reairs on saturday on tv..
  6. 9

    everybodies feet

    haha sorry for adding fuel to the fire...but i figured you old guys would have have hairier feet than myself but i guess not :sad:
  7. 9

    everybodies feet

    yall think yall have ugle feet....i should be in the gieco commercial
  8. 9

    Fed Ex takes forever

    isn't that how it always goes? all my buddies talked for so long about motorcycles n as soon as i got one they were nowhere to be found:shock: at least everyone can always agree on some fire:weed:
  9. 9

    if we legalize it, i'll need a job

    i think simple possession should be decriminalized sometime relatively soon, however i don't think it'll ever be would be to hard for the gov to regulate it and they'd be losing money so they won't do the money and the fun of growing will still be there:blsmoke:
  10. 9

    Mmm Florida Purple

    yeah i think its more of a warm weather strain so thats why it turned purple when it got cold and the other ones didn't
  11. 9

    Mmm Florida Purple

    its still early in should only be cold like this for another few days then it'll warm back up to the 60s and 70s for a while:blsmoke:
  12. 9

    Mmm Florida Purple

    the bag strain lol....named the purple one perpees simplex II
  13. 9

    Mmm Florida Purple

    so its been a lil cold lately, in the 30's at night and its been a few days since ive seen my ladies and low and behold its turned one purple! the other ladies also look nice and im hoping they'll be done in a few weeks
  14. 9

    any advice would help

    well id say weigh the pros and cons of each WOODS Pros- more security versus cornfield, you can spend more time with you plants doing things like LST, giving nutes etc., you use the soil of your choice Cons- Probably less light versus corn field, can be difficult to find a suitable spot...
  15. 9

    when to plant outdoors in Florida

    depending on where you are in fl, mid march to april is usually good for starting outdoors
  16. 9


    yep they will continue to come back and you will have to remove them again until shes done flowering you really can't put a provibility to it but it deffinately could happen if light stressed like that...i had 10 sidlings started outside and then moved em to an area with much more light and...
  17. 9


    yep if you don't want any seeds in any of your other babies id pull it as soon as possible..
  18. 9

    Hermies and Hash?

    just harvested a hermie but she/he was harvsted a little early because i didn't want my other plants to have seeds (she didn't start making pollen sacks until about 4 weeks into flower) and while i was trimming i noticed pollen falling from the pollen sacks...i was gonna make hash out of the...
  19. 9

    question about outdoor growing

    good now stick em in an airtight jar and periodically open the jar... once or twice a day should be good and rotate the bugs in the jar. do this for a week then enjoy:blsmoke:
  20. 9

    new land...

    first things first no rows! just because you don't see any copters don't mean they don't fly over when you aren't around...outdoor watering systems are difficult to properly maintain and/or setup so for your first outdoor grow i wouldn't suggest it. bugs outdoors pose a big problem n should be...