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  1. Giant

    How much air movement?

    Its a little late as they are already planted now.. :lol: I feel like a little kid though; I just want to stare at them all day.
  2. Giant

    How much air movement?

    They have roots in the rockwool they came in.. I will have to get a sprayer tomorrow.. :lol: Thanks!
  3. Giant

    How much air movement?

    ... No? Should I be foliage feeding? I havent done anything to them except give them a bit of water yesterday. I think they are too small to fit inside of a solo cup. They are about 4-6" high and in 1.5gal pots. Temps have been 78-80* and humidity has dropped to 32%.
  4. Giant

    WTF my seedling is moving infront of my eyes~!

    :lol: Are you sure that wasnt some sort of bug? I am new to this as well, but I think roots usually grow down not up.. :hump:
  5. Giant

    How much air movement?

    Yup.. They have been in there just about 36 hours now under 24/0. They look mostly happy I think, but some of the new growth looks a bit yellow and curled. How long should it take before they are "settled"?
  6. Giant

    How much air movement?

    Thanks Purplekrunchie! How long should I wait to begin feeding them? I picked up the FoxFarm 3-pack this morning. I will obviously start light, probably half-strength or less. I am a little worried about using 100% FFOF soil, because I have heard people say it is too hot for new plants.
  7. Giant

    How much air movement?

    These clones were planted about 24 hours ago.. They look like they are almost starting to droop and maybe get a little bit of yellow spotting. Is this just normal shock from the transplant?
  8. Giant

    How much air movement?

    Thanks guys. What does wind burn look like? Ive got 3 Burkle (bubba x purple urkle) and 3 Tangerine Kush.
  9. Giant

    How much air movement?

    I just got my clones planted in in my room and my fans all set up. I bought this little tower fan to create air movement inside of my cab, but I'm not sure if it is too much for the little plants. It looks to me like some of the little ones are getting whipped around too much. What do you guys...
  10. Giant

    canfilter ?

    Wow... What a dumb response.. You should at least get your facts straight before attempting to flame someone with an actual question.. Of course you can push air through a carbon filter, it flows through the same way that it wouldf if you were to suck air through it. Are you sure you...
  11. Giant

    Reputable website to buy lights?

    htgsupply seems to get good reviews. I just ordered my 600w system from them, and it was shipped the very next day. I expect to have it by the end of the week, so Ill let you know how it turns out.. :bigjoint:
  12. Giant

    Ventilation Setup

    I am finally getting all the pieces in place for my 5' x 3' x 8' closet grow. I will have a 600w hps and a totally sealed room. The issue i am running in to is I dont really want to cut 4 6" holes in the ceiling of my closet.. I have a 500cfm fan for air exchange that will be attached to a cf...
  13. Giant

    Dont understand Exhausting

    I have heard arguments for both methods.. Placing the CF in the room and drawing air through it, and placing it outside and pushing air through it. Is there an actual reason for or against either one?
  14. Giant

    Fans making my head spin!

    Bump! Any last advice? I will be ordering my gear tonight. I think I will hold off on the tds meter and just get a simple ph tester for now. :mrgreen:
  15. Giant

    Fans making my head spin!

    I was hoping some of the soil guys would pop in and give me some advice, but it looks like I may have to start chasing people down.. :lol: :lol:
  16. Giant

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Hopefully Ill order the light today, then be able to test it out in a week or so.. Ill be starting with clones, so Ill have a less chance of screwing things up. :lol:
  17. Giant

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    I know it needs to be fixed, but does it need to be fixed before I start my grow? The way I see it, I am using a max of 20A for my house at a time (between the washer, gas dryer, microwave, TVs, fish tank and filter, and lights), even if my grow uses 7A I should be well under the dangerous...
  18. Giant

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Hm, I have a good condition 13A rated "outdoor" extension cord.. I see most people recommending something much larger, but I will be well under half of the rated capacity. Is there any reason I shouldnt use this to run my 600w hps and fans?
  19. Giant

    Beginner Grow Room, problem is $$$

    Im confused by this.. Are you growing in here or not?? If not, what is the point of this thread?
  20. Giant

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    Sounds good.. I figured my entire grow shouldnt use more than about 7amps total, that should be no problem.. I hope.. :lol: