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  1. J

    New grower, multiple problems suspected +REP

    first off i have to agree with everyone about adding stuff, old news. I just wanted to put in my 2 cents on the bottom drooping leaves. i had this happened to one of the clones i have now, shit the whole first set of branches seemed like they have died. I just cut them off when they start to...
  2. J

    short plants? what am i doing wrong?

    5 26 watt cfls. plan on doing more as i have time to construct a fixture. they were just moved out of 8in pots into these Tupperware containers. Id guess the containers are between 2 to 3 gallons. watered about once every 2 to three days. new box wont dry the dirt out as much. schultz veg...
  3. J

    short plants? what am i doing wrong?

    ok so growing two plants at the moment and ive veged a few before the same exact way. seeds were all from different bags, i just had a jar. the tallest plants ive had are the ones now that i got as clones. they have grown quite a few nodes but havent gotten very tall. id say about 10-12in...
  4. J

    this is what im thinking for my aero setup. critique plz.

    i just figured that would be the right sized pump with 10 sprayers at 10 gph each going up less than a foot and making a T i dont think would kill it to much. every diy ive read says they used a big pump and its pretty much over kill.
  5. J

    this is what im thinking for my aero setup. critique plz.

    for my 15 plant system what i will need: 27 gallon snap lid tote - a 100-155 GPH fountain pump - then tubing...
  6. J

    making plywood waterproof?

    ahh i see now youve been great help you wouldnt know anything about bubblponics would you?
  7. J

    schultz, how much?

    i got this shultz veg nut from lowes 10-15-10 how much should i use?
  8. J

    making plywood waterproof?

    pond liner it is whats so special bout the tank bulk head?
  9. J

    making plywood waterproof?

    what about the drain? really dont want to pail water out rubber ring things? sorry cant think of what they're called right now i think if yall say it one more time thats what im gonna do and move on
  10. J

    making plywood waterproof?

    well im looking for one that is 15in wide 24 in deep and i was thinking at least 12 in tall but im not really even sure how tall it needs to be for a bubbleponic sysem. I was gonna do aero but this just seems better for lack of space. I dont want to be to cramped the best plastic i could find...
  11. J

    making plywood waterproof?

    ok i guess i should have stated what i wanted to do with the waterproofed plywood make boxes to hold water.... not like just for water to run down i thought about pond liner or garbage bags but that would be a pain if it leaked rubber stuff sounds good stuff like water seal and paint i dont...
  12. J

    making plywood waterproof?

    ive seen this a while back and seems to be a great idea to me just cant find the thread so if anyone knows anything about epoxies and fiberglass or just know a better way id appreciate the help thanks
  13. J

    questions for the bubbleheads!!

    ok so i was thinking of going aero, but this bubble thing has been sitting heavy on my mind. i understand the hub and how to construct everything but i still have a few questions. 1) Do the pumps stay on for 24 hours? 2) What sized pump for how many plants? 3) How many gallons of water...
  14. J

    White Rhino 1st Grow Journal - Help & Advice very welcome

    and why is it black in there? should be reflecting light, your wasting it all get so white paint or mylar
  15. J

    how many plants in a 5gal bucket

    true but i really want like 4 diff strains and dont want to reconstruct my unit i might do mothers in 5 gallons but thats probably it im almost dead set on making a water proof ply box i just have to find out more info on this my questions now are how far away do net pots need to be i was...
  16. J

    how many plants in a 5gal bucket

    i was going to stack 2 5 gallon buckets a large enough hole in the bottom ones lid to lower the top one about 7 in they are 14 in tall then have the res in the bottom one with a submerged pump pushing straight up to the sprayers figure might need two i also saw a vid on utube a guy had two 5...
  17. J

    how many plants in a 5gal bucket

    yeah i know it depends on variables such as size of the plant was going for 14 to 16 inchs
  18. J

    man what is wrong with her i cant decide

    5 26 watt 6500k cfls watered when soil is dry an inch down with bottled water, havent got a ph tester yet they were on 24/0 light schedule until i read somewhere that said stressed plants recoop better in darkness and changed to a 18/6 schedule no nutes, fox farms soil