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  1. GregNak

    we're calling this one "wet dream"

    Im jealous.... i wont hold my breath
  2. GregNak

    Hey can sum1 help????

    yah you need to stop watering them all the time, dont water them until they are almost completly dry, when theres no water is when the roots really stretch which is a good thing
  3. GregNak


    you should buy a 400 watt MH for veg
  4. GregNak

    kp's matanuska thunderfuck DWC

    scared of what im a fellow alaskan
  5. GregNak

    we're calling this one "wet dream"

    I need to get my hands on some of those clones or seeds PLEASE
  6. GregNak

    New White Hairs at end of flowering?

    what kind of lights are you guys using on these plants that are going close to 14 weeks?
  7. GregNak

    Are these babys ready to be cut?

    Yah, you did a really good job on your first grow, you look like you really take good care of your plants, your gonna be so happy if you just wait it out for another 2-3 weeks trust me
  8. GregNak

    Is this better choice for lighting?

    change your screen name to STRETCH seriously i have never seen a plant that stretched before with what 2 nodes, yah you might as well start over, im not trying to be negative here, but you need more light and put the lights way closer to the plants
  9. GregNak

    Almost 9 weeks of flowering , r they ready? or wait 2 more weeks??

    yah there are a lot of crystals and it looks Great. but theres no volume on the bud areas, id definatly let it go for ATLEAST 2 more weeks, then see how it looks
  10. GregNak

    Post Germination Problems

    thats just plain weird, i dunno whats going on with your seeds... where did you get them from?
  11. GregNak

    anyone want to Recommend Flower nutes?

    General Hydroponics flora nova 3 part or the 2 part which i use... grow and bloom
  12. GregNak

    How she looking?

    on your next grow try to put the light(s) closer to the top of your plant so your space between nodes is a lot closer otherwise your lookin good
  13. GregNak

    Light leak in flower, im screwed and worried

    happy to say my plants are throwin buds now, so im pretty happy about that, atleast the light leak didnt make them think they were still in veg
  14. GregNak

    is it normal (clones_

    Yes thats from the initial shock, keep them humid and puttin a heating pad under them, and they should perk up within 4-6 hours maybe a little longer, but your alright just be patient with them
  15. GregNak

    Light leak in flower, im screwed and worried

    I agree when you buy seeds, its a gamble... thats all there is to it
  16. GregNak

    Light leak in flower, im screwed and worried

    there starting to throw buds so thats a good sign i guess, I will keep everyone updated on this
  17. GregNak

    day 37 flowering

    atleast 20 more days
  18. GregNak

    Bubble Bags Question

    damn im sold, im gona get the 1 gallon bags are those good enough?
  19. GregNak

    What kind of nutrients to use?

    Im using the exact same Flora Series, im happy with the results
  20. GregNak

    Serious Help Needed

    what kind of lights or light are you using you need to try to definatly keep it out of the 90s and preferrably under 85, thats pretty much the highest that you can go