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  1. Brushog

    Total newbie worrying about everything, need some help

    Keep up the good work. Looks great and no need to worry unless you do something really wrong.
  2. Brushog

    How much did you spend on your grow room?

    That may be a little true. I did forget to add some stuff into my price.
  3. Brushog

    How much did you spend on your grow room?

    I was thinking that sounded a little like BMEAT... Lol
  4. Brushog

    How much did you spend on your grow room?

    I'm sure there are a lot of growers that do just as good with a cheaper grow room. It's all about the strain of the quality your going to get
  5. Brushog

    Has anyone done a fan leaf experimant?

    I just hope this all does good and I can't believe a lot more people haven't tried this
  6. Brushog

    Has anyone done a fan leaf experimant?

    Well we will see what happens. Just started my EXPERIMANT an will let you all know how it ggoes compared to the others
  7. Brushog

    How much did you spend on your grow room?

    Yes there was some stuff I forgot to add in...
  8. Brushog

    How much did you spend on your grow room?

    Shit bulbs too count. I'm gonna stop now
  9. Brushog

    How much did you spend on your grow room?

    Oh I forgot to add my light and ballast. So it's over 350. Sorry.
  10. Brushog

    How much did you spend on your grow room?

    I would like to know your cost on how much you spent to complete your grow room. I can tell you I spent about 100 to do my room. If you can post a pic. Fancy grow rooms don't do any better than cheap grow rooms..
  11. Brushog

    600 w HPS possible in a 2x3x6 area? Overkill?

    I would go with the 400 watt. That should be pleanty of light. Have a good grow
  12. Brushog

    I made a mistake...

    There are a lot of people on here that give the wrong info. Some of us just need to learn from our own mistakes. But there are some people out there that do give the correct info and do help others. Don't feel bad this was just a minor mistake and you did great by posting. Keep it up
  13. Brushog

    Ready to pull and trim in one more week!!! Take a look

    Did you all notice the picture is the right way?
  14. Brushog

    Huge problem... Help me out, im out of ideas

    I would pull and just start over...may not be able to save those.
  15. Brushog

    When To cut sugar leaves off

    I agree with pluckin them off when there fresh. We trim as soon as we pull them from the dirt which helps also with the leaves that you trim close to your buds shrivel up
  16. Brushog

    Ready to pull and trim in one more week!!! Take a look

    Ready to get these colas into the dryer..let me know what you think... Looks like it will be over and oz on this one.
  17. Brushog

    which is the better light setup

    Go bigger!!!!!!!
  18. Brushog

    Tops of my buds are glowing! Post your best pics

    And of course I took this from the ceiling. Let me see some of your best and weirdest pics.
  19. Brushog

    Mirror reflecting light

    Won't help at all...
  20. Brushog

    How many gallons does a bag have??

    I use half happy frog and half ocean forest. Is a great mix and drains well. No problems with it yet.