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  1. asphyxiated2

    Weird stuff going on with the lights.

    Hello, everyone! I'm having a bit of a problem. You see, I have a 250W ballast and one MH, and one HPS lamp. And yesterday, I finished building my third growbox and connected all the wires and whatnot - the lamp didn't power on - instead there were two variatons. First - the electricity got...
  2. asphyxiated2

    Slooooow growing

    Ow, okay. I think I know what you're talking about. Thanks))
  3. asphyxiated2

    Is this Plant a Hermaphrodite ? Need help asap

    I see only flowers and hell of a lot trychomes. Perhaps post a better macro picture? (If you don't have better optics, just put your digital/slr camera under a fresnel lens or a magnifier in worst case).
  4. asphyxiated2

    Slooooow growing

    Lifting, hmm. Doo I water over the top, through the soil, or under the pots? And when do I lift? After watering, while watering and for how long? dragonbladev, can't be it. Look at the size of the box. It's small and the 250W metal hallide lamp is way hot for that size, that's why I have all...
  5. asphyxiated2

    Slooooow growing

    Is it over-watering? I water them to sustain the moisture (that's once a day or two.) Or do I have to let them dry a bit? The tallest one is Morning Glory and all of the others are unknown - got them from a friend. He doesn't know the strain either.
  6. asphyxiated2

    Slooooow growing

    Hello there. My problem is with the growth of the plants. Everything seems to be normal, but they grow very, very slow. It's third week passing now and this is what they look like: :neutral: What should I do?
  7. asphyxiated2

    4 X Larger buds with volume therapy its easy

    Dunno if you've heard, but the meaning of all life in the world is water. The water. There have been experiments of saying good and bad things to water, playing music to it, thinking good and bad thoughts in near proximity to it and it changes. They used microscopic photography to see the...
  8. asphyxiated2

    External Temp of Electronic Ballasts

    I have 250W ballast both for MH and HPS and it gets hot as hell. It's in a closet, lying on a wooden shelf. Somebody said if you hold it on wood an it gets bad - it might ignite. I guess i'm taking my chances. Don't know the temp in F.
  9. asphyxiated2

    Again with the Morning Glory

    Thanks guys, I've disposed of the males and put in my newly sprouts. Never, EVER am I going to buy seeds from barneysfarm again. F them. Good luck to all the growers and good luck to me, I guess. Bye.
  10. asphyxiated2

    Again with the Morning Glory

    It's a Sony DSC-W115 digital camera, I borrowed from a friend. Nothing special. I was playing with pro cameras for ~half a year, so i can get pretty much the best of these shitty cameras. But that's not the thing I'm worried about now (picture quality ;D). Is it POSSIBLE to get male plants...
  11. asphyxiated2

    Again with the Morning Glory

    So, now it's grown quite a bit, and some people on other forum say that it's a pure male, but I read somewhere that from fem. seeds you can't get male anyhow. What is Your opinion?
  12. asphyxiated2

    Male of female? Help!

    Ow, too bad - my mistake then.
  13. asphyxiated2

    Male of female? Help!

    I might do that.. But their site ( is down for a while now. And I ordered them in the beginning of the summer.
  14. asphyxiated2

    Male of female? Help!

    Yeah, and Morning Glory seeds have somekind of analogue to LSD - so at least I'll have some phun. XD
  15. asphyxiated2

    Male of female? Help!

    Don't have any more plants. Only these two. Hmm, you think so? why?
  16. asphyxiated2

    Male of female? Help!

    I think I am. As long as I can smoke it - why shouldn't I? It's my first time of growing, so I don't want to waste anything. And yes, it had some stress. I two clones from it. And I have another (same kind) plant - it had one clone cut off it. It's showing the same symptoms. It might be of...
  17. asphyxiated2

    Male of female? Help!

    People on other forum I'm sitting at say it's a hermophrodite.
  18. asphyxiated2

    Male of female? Help!

    Good day, everyone. I have a question regarding my Morning Glory plants. Bought feminized seeds but it looks like they're males. Here's a photo - tell me what you think:
  19. asphyxiated2

    CO2 via Yeast The Right Way, With Calculations..

    We can only envy You)) Couldn't read all of it just because I'm not a native american/british, so can you give a quick plan of things you wrote? Because I use this combination: 2l bottle, 3 eating spoons of sugar, 1/3 of yeast and fill the bottle approx. half-way. In a forum I read that...
  20. asphyxiated2

    Check this baby out!

    Don't overdo the uvb's because it's still radiaton. The plants are defending themselves, therefore they're making more of the trichomes but don't overstress them. Splending work for a first one and can't wait to see the results. Cheers)