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  1. C

    two clones in one 15gal pot??

    I've put 2 in a 15 gallon tub before, it works just fine. Really, it depends on the strain, and the size/shape of the plant. Some grow way to huge to be next to another one in the same tub, but others the grow more up instead of out would be just fine
  2. C

    will my plants revert?

    yeah i've definitely taken clones from plants early in their flowering, so i've had the pleasure of retarded single and tripple leaves, but i'm hoping these don't revert when i put them outside, i want to have an early and a late harvest this year, the late one being my main plot of 6 different...
  3. C

    Another Newbie With A Problem.

    i don't think it's nute bunr unless you are actually spraying your leaves with a nute solution that is too strong. It looks like a mix of several different mineral deficiencies. Are you using a mineral complex with your mix? It might also be a k or pho deficiency, so you could add a little...
  4. C

    will my plants revert?

    Well daaamn, i'm putting out Afgoo, Blueberry northern light, Trinity/snow, and Panther in like 3 weeks, florce-flowered, so i guess i'll let you all know how that went
  5. C

    6 weeks Flowering, How long to go?

    yeah i would say 3 or 4 more weeks. Got any pictures of the whole plant?
  6. C

    Burning, curling and browning oh my!

    cool thanks for the input
  7. C

    Anyone know if this is true ?

    yeah that's obviously crap
  8. C

    Burning, curling and browning oh my!

    Ok i have some more pictures, with better detail, if anyone could help with this awful leaf curling, browning.
  9. C

    Is my mother plant ok

    yeah you can take cuttings like that, and put them under 24/0 light cycle and they'll revert in time.... 18/6 is what i use for all my plants i don't designate as a mother, but mothers seem to do best for me in 24/0, although some people say 20/4 is better
  10. C

    Confused as to gender of my plants

    it would be nice to see a picture of the entire plant so we could see leaf structure and shape of the plant. But i don't see any male parts, looks like your flowers have a lot of white hairs, congrats! That's something you want yes?
  11. C

    Is my mother plant ok

    Yes, your mother plant is fine, although it'd be nice to see some pictures. Even in 18/6 light cycle, a plant will flower eventually. But since it gets so little dark time it produces stressed funny looking flowering. You need at least 20/4 light, i use 24/0 for my mothers. Change your...
  12. C

    Burning, curling and browning oh my!

    ok i"ll try transplanting it into something bigger, no roots had shown on in the holes on the bottom of the pot yet, which is what i was waiting for. Thanks for the input
  13. C

    Brownish discoloration!? help!!

    oops i mean 6.5, is that too high, or is that fine
  14. C

    Burning, curling and browning oh my!

    So i have two pictures, the fan leaf is from my Panther mother plant, and the other is of my White Widow clone. The fan leaf has a brownish dry crackly discoloration, while the widow has leaf curling and a spotty burning. I'm using 6500k shoplights, sterylized soil with worm castings, a...
  15. C

    Leaf burning, curling and browning oh my!

    So i have two pictures, the fan leaf is from my Panther mother plant, and the other is of my White Widow clone. The fan leaf has a brownish dry crackly discoloration, while the widow has leaf curling and a spotty burning. I'm using 6500k shoplights, sterylized soil with worm castings, a...
  16. C

    Brownish discoloration!? help!!

    thanks, we did just increase our nutes, so we're bringing that back down, our ph is pretty good though, 5.6 last time i checked, i'll be sure
  17. C

    intake/exhaust 1 or the other?

    EXHAUST. simple question simple answer
  18. C

    Syfa's Grow - Starting 1st week of flower

    Well im a little rusty with my Celsius temparatures, but from what i remember that sounds pretty good, 28 might be a little high, but nothing harmful, but your low temp is great, right where i want mine actually. I'll still get abck to ya on that coolbloom
  19. C

    Syfa's Grow - Starting 1st week of flower

    I use koolbloom but my medical patient i grow with is actually responsible for most of our ferts, so i'll talk to him about it and get back to you on that one. What are your temps at?
  20. C

    39 days Flowering 79 days from seed! First time grow!

    1 tablespoon per gallon will be fine, but you don't have to wait to use the molasses, it can be an additive nearly every time you water. Your buds look real nice, impressive actually considering it was a hermie and you're only using cfl's. Good work.