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  1. wonder6977

    plant water globe?

    ok thanks for the heads up everyone!
  2. wonder6977

    spider mite in a grow cabinet

    ok thanks!! the girls are only a week from clone, so I'm trying to stay away from the advise of the grow shop in my area, and get rid of them.
  3. wonder6977

    plant water globe?

    just wondering if anyone has ever used one in a grow??
  4. wonder6977

    spider mite in a grow cabinet

    I'm so pissed. I checked on my girls today and after 3 days of spraying I looked at the soil and there were webs all over the soil....I've re cleaned the cabinet sprayed the plants and top layer of soil....any other suggestions? the plants are growing GREAT and there are no more spots on the...
  5. wonder6977

    indoor cucumber

    just wanted to post an update on the plant! i have multipull flowers and I'm trying to pollinate it via ear swabs Here's a pic :-)
  6. wonder6977

    24 or 18/6??

    i did not know that, but it does make sense!
  7. wonder6977

    24 or 18/6??

    plants also have a changing spectrum of light and intensity as the sun rises and lowers but ya dont see growers using that. i prefer to have information to help me understand why its better, either 24 on or 18/6, please.
  8. wonder6977

    24 or 18/6??

    what is the difference between having the lights on 24 hours on, or 18 on 6 off? please back up what you say with facts not personal opinion, as i am new to growing. :-) Is the darkness really needed? My thought is that the less time that there is darkness the less energy the plant has to use...
  9. wonder6977

    window ledge grow?

    heres my girl on the window ledge. she is 6 days old since i bought her as a clone. I'm in the process of taking care of a spider mite problem I got when i bought the clones.
  10. wonder6977

    spider mite in a grow cabinet

    wow i sprayed the plants (top and bottom), sucked up the top layer of soil, sprayed the under laying soil, and re cleaned the grow cabinet. I woke up today and checked the girls and see promising results so far, leafs are perking up and spots are fading. :-)
  11. wonder6977

    grow cabinit from wallyworld

    a little bit :-P I'm o.c.d. haha
  12. wonder6977

    single leaf plant?

    im not worried, i find it fascinating!! I'm sure she'll be fine but just thought it was unique and wanted to share it.
  13. wonder6977

    single leaf plant?

    no stress or pests. the only thing I did that I can think of is putting it from clone into 5 gallon bucket. its growing in soil, normal temps, growing under flouros, and its not over or under watered :-)
  14. wonder6977

    single leaf plant?

    haha ok cool! ive never seen any pictures like that before so i was curious. should be interesting to see it progress :-) :-) :-)
  15. wonder6977

    grow cabinit from wallyworld

    idk why i didn't clean it before, but i actually cleaned the box shortly after posting lol thanks for the input.
  16. wonder6977

    single leaf plant?

    the plant has 5 leafs at the bottom then the next set has 3 then the next set has 1 and 2 verrrry tinney leafs and the newest ones have just 1? anyone know what is going on with it? heres a pic. weirdest darn thing lol the strain is Sage n sour.
  17. wonder6977

    spider mite in a grow cabinet

    what about the Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle? i mean will the wild one work better than to buy the american lady bug? just curious, I might even go outside and bug hunt expecialy because the Japanese one are EVERYWHERE!!
  18. wonder6977

    spider mite in a grow cabinet

    whould lady bugs be good to use in this set up after spraying?
  19. wonder6977

    spider mite in a grow cabinet

    so i bought some clones and its been 3 days and I am seeing signs of spider mites. I'm new to growing and I'm not sure the best way to take care of this pest problem because of the confined space. I am using a cabinet i bought from Walmart and wired up some pc fans and installed a 125 watt...
  20. wonder6977

    grow cabinit from wallyworld

    theres no heat with it 6 to 12 inches away, I put the girls on some yoga block to raise it about 4 inches. I was actually about to put the girl into some 1 liter black plastic pots, but when i checked up on them, I'm just not sure if the plants are ready or no to be moved to the next level :-)