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  1. Puff

    3 noded marijuana plant

    I had a 4 noded plant once, but it turned out to be a male. Had a few 3 noded ones. Its normal, I like it and try to keep em for mothers.
  2. Puff

    A HPS energy question¿

    Electricity must be cheap where I live. I run about 1800 watts 12/12 for under $50.
  3. Puff

    Light Question

    150W HPS isnt going to produce that much heat, nothing compared to a 400W or 1000W bulb even. So no a cooltube isnt neccasary, unless you need to buy a fixture and just want one.
  4. Puff

    Sea of Green...well maybe a pond

    Might want to consider a light mover, sounds like one would be perfect for this situation. They can increase your garden by 30% under the same amount of light.
  5. Puff

    Im an idiot

    It took you 6 weeks to notice the lights werent on the right schedule? Wow, ok Im sure I dont need to say anymore. To answer your question, yes you should just put them under the big light when you harvest. If your going to have the light available within a week than dont change the light...
  6. Puff

    Can my house get searched?

    They will fuck with you. Trust me I know of a grower who was snithced on and the police showed up at the residence and asked to come in saying there was a complaint marijuana was being grown. The grower nearly shit his pants and asked if they had a warrant, they said no but they would be back in...
  7. Puff

    Light Question

    The most efficient is vertical use with no reflector. Just place your plants around it in a cicle. BUT those gardens usually are running dual 1000W HPS bulbs and are not easy to pull off. So the best bet is to use it horizonatly at say max distancabout 12" from the plant since its only 150W. And...
  8. Puff

    Hydro nutes in soil?

    I have been without lately too. Spent all my money on this dam grow equipment. I spent my whole weed budget for the year on it. So im in the same boat. Just waiting, and waiting. I have tried the leaves and they dont work. I have at least another 40+ days to go before I will have any buds to...
  9. Puff

    New Grow 2nd try All CFL Rubbermaid

    To be honest I dont know that much about growing in dirt. So a second opinion wouldnt hurt. That dirt sounds fine, you got the idea. I know that if you mix the soil with perlite it gives better mositure control and oxygen to the roots. I also remember reading that mary jane likes a sand and soil...
  10. Puff

    Hydro nutes in soil?

    Thanks I do consider myself to be extremely intelligent. He is asking advice, you think he/she is here only to hear what your smart ass has to say? People say what they think and if they all say the same thing then its safe to believe it. I wouldn't take the word of only one person when I can...
  11. Puff

    New Grow 2nd try All CFL Rubbermaid

    Stay away from the premium soils that contain any kind of built in nutrients. I would go with top soil if options are limited. Making your own CO2 might be fun but as far as practical forget about it. Much more important to take that time spent messing with the CO2 and make sure you have a...
  12. Puff

    Hydro nutes in soil?

    I have been using FF soil nutes for hydro use and it worked out fine. I dont see why it wouldnt work? Typically hydro nutes are a bit weaker than soil nutes. So keep that in mind.
  13. Puff

    Flower my plants now???i??

    Yea just soak the container and make sure you have a healthy amount of run off. As far as the lights, really not necessary to do it slowly.
  14. Puff

    Puff's 400W Grow Tent (Big Pictures!)

    I did it, I transplanted the latest batch of clones. It has taken about 45-50 days to get to this point starting with a seed. Starting from scratch sucks! Its not a very impressive sight. I have the light as far away as it will go 3' feet. Want them to ease into their new environment. I also...
  15. Puff

    How were the pyramids built?

    The pyramids are just a conspiracy theory. They dont really exist. All the evidence is mirrors and trick photography.
  16. Puff

    How can a person grow outside in a highly urbanized area?

    Put it up in a tree. I let you figure the rest out.
  17. Puff


    HTG Supply has a complete 400W HPS setup for $99! 55,000 lumens for $99 is the best bang for your buck anywhere.
  18. Puff

    SOG question?(from seed)

    check out my grow journal and you will see what happens. Its nearly impossible.
  19. Puff

    Apartment laws

    The owner or manager is supposed to have access to the apartment for emergencies and stuff. Also if they spray for bugs or change smoke detector batteries they will enter the apt. Usually they leave a note on the door letting you know that they plan to enter the next day. But a lot of the times...
  20. Puff

    Puff's 400W Grow Tent (Big Pictures!)

    Well I bought a couple additional 6" clip on fans for the tents. Now Ill have one on each side. I have been doing my normal obsessive thing and have been trying to get the temp as low as possible. I have observed some big mistakes that people make all the time here on RIU. This is from my own...