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  1. CannabisGuy

    Seedling gettin too tall ?

    it's too eraly to use my HPS 250W ?
  2. CannabisGuy

    Seedling gettin too tall ?

    i got something like that...
  3. CannabisGuy

    Seedling gettin too tall ? replace it to 20w..the biggest i've got around the house now.. i have a HPS 250W but it's too eraly no ?
  4. CannabisGuy

    Seedling gettin too tall ?

    fluorescent light, 6 cm from the light to the top of the seedling
  5. CannabisGuy

    Seedling gettin too tall ?

    Hello smokers of the world, CannabisGuy is here:leaf: i saw a pictures of seedling after 10 days and they didnt look like mine my seedlings are getting tall, and i wanna ask if that's normal ?
  6. CannabisGuy

    Hello From ISRAEL,Sharing some on the police here

    Hello smokers of the world, CannabisGuy is here:leaf: you wont belive whats goin on here with the police . The electricity company cooperate with the police and givin them data of high electricity consumption, to catch growers!!!!! that's too much. it make me so mad,what the hell we can do...
  7. CannabisGuy

    Seedling stop growing

    with what ? tweezers ?
  8. CannabisGuy

    Seedling stop growing

    i drop a two very tiny drops of water with a tiny syringe..on both of say it will help ?
  9. CannabisGuy

    Seedling stop growing

    yes,sorry, i meant "she". here some pic
  10. CannabisGuy

    Seedling stop growing

    Hello smokers of the world,Cannabis guy is here:leaf: i have 4 seedling,1 is still in he's shell - refuse to open , the other 2 of them grow each day and there's this one , the first one that i planted -that start with advantage, sprout befor everybody else - and now he's stop , like he is...
  11. CannabisGuy

    pest help

    tried hypoaspis miles , mine is tinier tried root aphids - thats yellow like a mada fuck. but no , not them . thanks anyway you guys.
  12. CannabisGuy

    pest help

    thanks,but no , already checked , spidermites was the first thimg that come to mind
  13. CannabisGuy

    Replanet quation

    aint got home depot here.. and i wish i lived in the us too ..for many reasons ..
  14. CannabisGuy

    Replanet quation

    Hello smokers of the world, CannabisGuy is here:leaf: I had to replanet my seedling (8 days old) in a new soil&planters because of mold and weird pests. when i did that , the roots got exposed. will they survive the movment ? to one of them its the second replanting, and another one break a lil...
  15. CannabisGuy

    pest help

    no adults .. i replanet all of my seedling ,new soil, new planters, hope they didnt get stress from the movement one of the seedling break a lil bit when i replanet ..that's means death ?
  16. CannabisGuy

    pest help

    I got these weird yellow/white ish pest, tinier then the Dot on the keyboard, and they just gettin increased as im writin this post . they living inside the soil , new soil, that i just purchased. they have little legs - but they very very, very small i wish i could take a pic of them but...
  17. CannabisGuy

    pest help

    I got these weird yellow/white ish pest, tinier then the Dot on the keyboard, and they just gettin increased as im writin this post . they living inside the soil , new soil, that i just purchased. they have little legs - but they very very, very small i wish i could take a pic of them but...
  18. CannabisGuy

    pest help

    I got these weird yellow/white ish pest, tinier then the Dot on the keyboard, and they just gettin increased as im writin this post . they living inside the soil , new soil, that i just purchased. they have little legs - but they very very, very small i wish i could take a pic of them but...
  19. CannabisGuy

    Light quation

    got a pic of what you mean ? tryna google it found nothing planet related
  20. CannabisGuy

    Light quation

    what canopy ? lets say - planter =20cm , distance from the light should be - 35-40cm ? that's leavs me 80cm for the planet. herbbilly - showoff