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  1. I

    The US Health Care Bill Explained - The Video

    CC you keep saying your a conservative. What issues do you support that are conservative? You don't support personal freedom you support government force. You don't support economic freedom you advicate higher taxes on small buisness. You say you support free markets, How is a publicly funded...
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    The US Health Care Bill Explained - The Video

    Because the Congress critters arn't gonna get the same care as your and my sorry ass'. They keep their plan thats why they ain't quiting. There are already people talking about non-compliance with this. It still has to pass the senate then it will face court challenges. Look if the plan was...
  3. I

    The Current Financial Crisis, What Caused it?

    The Federal Reserve and Government regulations are responcible. The FED kept interest Rates to low for to long. Over stimulating the economy. The Government encouraged this through various regulations. And through unfair competitive practices of Freddy and Fanny. Thats my simple explanation.
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    The US Health Care Bill Explained - The Video

    The straw that breaks the economic back of the US. Thats cool because this will highlight government ineptitude for all to see.
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    health care bill passes, ...

    Remember Liberals/Progressives people voted for Obama IMO not because he was liberal. But because he was not Bush. Bush policies are all still mostly in effect. Rendition, Gitmo, the Wars, patriot act, demestic spying, all that is still happening. Only now the economy is imploded unemployment...
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    Republican Senator introduces bill to takeover dispensaries and growers in Colorado

    I would expect more of the same if the senate passes the healthcare takeover bill. You think the Feds are gonna let doctors recommend weed? Hell no.
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    conservative pussies!

    You know I like Bachmen. Don't know to much about her. But I know she isn't a bitch to Ron Paul and even invited Ron to one of her town halls. Palin is just not gonna fly IMO she has something of a negitive stigma about her. I'm thinkin' Paul/Bachmen or Paul/Napolitono Gary Johnson looks good...
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    health care bill passes, ...

    Briliant responce you sure showed me, Lando.
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    How much would public option healthcare cost??

    Who knows. It could be very high. Seeing as how you have to have it by law or go to jail. The insurance companies can charge what they see fit. What are you gonna do about it? Nothing its the law. Public option doesn't start 'till 2013 if i remember correctly. So until then its the insurance...
  10. I

    health care bill passes, ...

    No I think your dead wrong on this Med. People two to one believe its the economy not healthcare that is the main problem right now. Tax increases durring a resession on small buisness will see unemployment numbers skyrocket. When Obama is running in 2011 unemployment will probably be sitting at...
  11. I

    House Bill 3939: the Truth in Trials Act of 2009

    Hmm What we need to do is re-affirm what the original intent of the commure clause was. In 1942 the Supreme court ruled that if a farmer grows wheat on his farm for his own use can be regulated by the feds because his use of the wheat effects interstate sales. This is a clear violation of...
  12. I

    Health Care Poll - Where Do You Stand?

    The way I see this bill it is a handout to the insurance companies. Mandating we all get coveredge or they will throw you in jail. Then when the companies have taken everyone they want. Then they dumptruck the rest on the government dole. This will see skyrocketing healthcare costs. More...
  13. I

    health care bill passes, ...

    I'm actually stoked. Massive tax increase on small buisnesses. Unemployment already at 10.2 (real number is 17.5) Isn't it just commen knowledge you don't raise taxes durring a resession? Obama and Dem control is a short term problem IMO. If we want to turn the economy around we will need...
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    House Bill 3939: the Truth in Trials Act of 2009

    Dood it don't matter. We will never get out alive anyway.
  15. I

    State your age.

    I thought it was 34 but whatever. I'm 35 btw.
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    now this is health care.

    What about the Amish. They don't believe in insurance of any kind. So make room in federal prison for a couple hundred thousand Amish. Your Government Loves you.
  17. I

    State your age.

    Adult swims primary Demographic is 18-34 But more importantly I have figured something out with my incredable deductive reasoning! I learned who Cloud City is! Hes "Old" and "Black" his name is "Cloud City" He is Billy D. Williams! Or should I call you Lando. Turn any any good friends lately...
  18. I

    State your age.

    I am at the outer edge of Adult Swims primary demographic.
  19. I

    For all the FOX, Beck, Limbaugh, Conservative Haters.

    You are correct. He needs to end the war. Then you will not have soldiers going nuts all over the place. BTW anyone heard yet if this guy was on anti-depresents? They can cause mental breaks. If they can demonize muslims they can demonize anyone. Maybe we should chip all the muslims. Or...
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    Who wants bigger gov't??? Please help me understand liberals.

    Notice how every time we have a financal breakdown its always the banks? It is because of fractional reserve banking and central planning. The current breakdown was because the FED an agency with virtually no oversight. Kept interest rates to low for to long. This caused a speculitive bubble...