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    Are Birthers racist or just plain stupid?

    Manson would not have been put to death. He never killed anyone. Ever at all. Hell, hes up for parole.
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    Conservatives seem more like radicals than conservatives

    In the end it will be Romney who takes the republican ticket. He backed out to give McLame his chance. 2012 is Romneys chance.
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    Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

    Yep for all our trillion dollar a year budgets. For our aircraft carriers, advanced aircraft, world beating tanks and armoured infantry. We can't kill a few thousand guys up in the mountains of Afganistan. The military is good for two things killing people and breaking things. But if you can't...
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    What Is Marijuana Worth?

    The French (I believe) have figured out how to make hemp into "wood" to build houses out of. You can make paper and a mess of other things out of it. If your for a green economy you Must be for hemp. If you want to save forests you Must be for hemp. No doubt about it.
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    So Illinois SB 1381 What Us With This

    I just moved to Illinois. My new next door naigbor has no legs and a slew of medical problems. He has to take a dozen diffrent pills every day. His wife told my wife that his doc said: "He could be taken off half those pills tomarrow but for the Medical pot prohabition." For his sake I hope...
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    Is this for real??? Fox News for Legalization?

    Fox is hiring alot of Constitutionalists and Libertarians these days. John Stosel, Judge Napolitono and so forth, who are pro-legalization. The Pin-heads Hannity, Beck, Bill'O, they still oppose it. However I think Beck could be brought on board if he thinks it will make the economy better. And...
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    More on douchebaggery.

    Hitler did love him some bible quotes though. He really likes give unto cearar that which is ceasars. He was occult IMO but knew the majority of Germany was Christian so he used that as a tool. Collage will tell you Hitler was extreme right. While Stalin was extreme left. IMO this is incorrect...
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    Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

    Bring on the warming IMO. -20 degrees is fucked up. We can't do anything about "climate change" anyway. If you really want to help the enviroment, Start with Mercury dumping or something. (pregnent women can't eat tuna for all the damn mercury) That is a problem we can deal with and much more...
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    Death Penalty for Homegrown Terrorist

    The man knew the security procedures. He snuck a gun on grounds. And used the gun on people he knew would be unarmed. Every one of those soldiers should have had a sidearm strapped. Terrorist eh, who knows. Murderer? Yep all day long.
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    Update: Lou Dobbs to Quit CNN

    Beck is funny. He is a stand up comic you know. But he makes good points most of the time. Still he is probably "Project Mockingbird" so take his endorcements with a grain of salt. Judge Andrew Napalitono now he hits it dead on, without the sneakers and M&Ms. He needs his own TV show...
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    another commie country comes tumblin down

    Going Nuclear. The smart desision. We need 200 new plants. The new plant designs are so much cleaner, safer and more efficent then the old ones.
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    Social security, panacia or boondoggle

    I'm with you. Fuck Social security. But whole Generations of Americans have been taught to depend on government. They have not planned ahead and now are stuck. We can't just leave them out in the street. Government made a promise, a contract. Those who are on it should be taken care of. The...
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    Social security, panacia or boondoggle

    Boondoogle. However it shouldn't be the congress raided the fund regular. Its should be made voluntary. Let people choose what to do with their money. It is still their money.
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    Health Care Poll - Where Do You Stand?

    Health care is not a right its a service. The fat people argument is another arguement against this nonsence. What are we gonna do hire a mass of social workers to come by peoples houses, and tell them what they need to eat? Because once this gets to be a collective issue people will be attacked...
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    Constitution? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Constitution!

    Even if this healthcare bill was the greatest thing in the world. (It isn't) Now is not the time to raise taxes with unemployment at 10.2% and climbing at .2% per month. BTW comparing health insurance to Car insurance is Asinine. If I don't want to pay car insurace I can not drive. This is a...
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    Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

    So med you answer is more government power instead of personal freedom. I just can't get behind that. If we don't have the right to be left alone what do we have? None of the rich people you talk about got to be in the position they are in without government power backing them. Without...
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    Gun ownership, what's your views?

    Yep just like Switzerland.
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    Constitution? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Constitution!

    No fines, jail time and force seem immoral. This is an abuse of federal power plain and simple.
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    Gun ownership, what's your views?

    Every Junior or Senior in High school should go through firearms saftey course for one semester. Upon graduation every person who completed the course should be issued an M-14.