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  1. I

    Constitution? We Don't Need No Stinkin' Constitution!

    She gets the power through the Commurse clause. The Sureme court will back that up. Even though it is total BS. However the senate will pass something, it will not be the current house bill. Do not forget the states can nulify as well. The States can use the 10th Ammendment to simply not go...
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    conservative pussies!

    Well some conservative believe in freedom. Most wouldn't know "freedom" if it jumped in their lap and called 'um momma. The point about First impressions and Palin=spot on IMO. Romney=presided over Mass. universal healthcare + just look at him he screams "politican" Huckabee=Christian...
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    Happy Birthday Cloud City

    No its not. :(
  4. I

    Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

    We don't need to alter or Abolish the Constitution. We need to uphold it. He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance: (Tax this, Licence that, regulate this) He has combined with others to subject us to a...
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    Happy Birthday Cloud City

    Its someones Birthday today. Come on Cloud City take a bow.
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    Happy Birthday Cloud City

    What info about N-Cal I just moved away from Del Norte.
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    Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

    You say you don't denigh fema camps. OK why would their be an uprising in the US? You will find that by in large Conspiracy theorists/Militia are also constitutionalists. Why would our government, who swears an oath to uphold the Constitution, be worried about an uprising from...
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    Happy Birthday Cloud City

    Happy B-Day!
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    Happy Birthday Cloud City

    I know, shh damn-it! :)
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    Happy Birthday Cloud City

    Cloud City knows don't you Lando.
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    Happy Birthday Cloud City

    Happy B-Day.
  12. I

    Jesus Was A Socialist!

    See this is where you see the hipocracy on the left. Obama isn't gonna leave Iraq and he is escalating in Afganistan. But where are all the war protesters? They sure gave Bush an ear full. Where are they now? Drinking the Obama Kool-Aid. The Left bitched about the: Patriot Act Rendition Gitmo...
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    Health Care Poll - Where Do You Stand?

    Congress get the power to "regulate" interstate commurse. The supreme court has upheld this power for a long time at least since 1942. Even though it is the incorrect interpritation of the law. It is the Law. There is nothing Congress can't do. NOTHING! The congress uses the interstate...
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    Liberal Media - Fort Hood Spin

    So here is what we do. We get the military and all the telavangelists and Christian conservatives together. Send our fleets to the Persian gulf and invade. We smash all their holy places. "Convert" or Kill their religious leaders. Gas or nutron bomb the hard core hold outs. Burn all the...
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    The US Health Care Bill Explained - The Video

    You are exactly right government intervention has put us where we are and now government is gonna save us from the greedy insurace companies. A situation the government created. I know about insurance comanies. In California they are allowed to pick and choose what counties they opperate in...
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    Health Care Poll - Where Do You Stand?

    Good point lopezri. IMO we need to let the market work. To that end we need to get rid of HMO's. We need: Health savings accounts (tax deductable contributions, and right off all medical expences) High deductable long term major medical insurance (like term life insurance for major things...
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    Can one of you guys explain your paranoid theory to me???

    The UN or a similar organization will be the new power. They are planning a global tax. (cap and trade amungst others) The IMF special drawing rights will be the new reserve currency. The problem now is how to dump the dollar without destroying their investments. The Global elite will never...
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    So the Obama admin will stop the next 9/11?

    Nothing can stop a lone nut dead set on being a torpedo. NOTHING!
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    Do republicans have class?

    Rascist. Just saying you hipocracy is showing.
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    The Current Financial Crisis, What Caused it?

    I'm seeing a pattern here. The FED and government regulations. Hmm