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  1. aceshigh69

    Life, what life? Why can't I use my Propane barbecue for co2?

    I have never heard of this anywhere. But if it works and you yeild well. congrats in advance
  2. aceshigh69

    2,700-Year-Old Marijuana Stash Found

    Very interesting. Just one question. This dude they found with the stash is 2700 years old and you can still tell that he has blue eyes. wow!!!
  3. aceshigh69

    Keeping CO2 contained in room

    I dont want to waste my time tryin out somethin new ya know. So tell me what setup w/co2 works best and i will try it out. I have another 5x5 veg spot thats empty
  4. aceshigh69

    Keeping CO2 contained in room

    Ok here is my problem. My small veg room is sealed off except for one vent. and i have an exhaust fan in the top of the room. that pumps the hot air out. How can i add CO2 to the room without pumping it all out thru the exhaust fan. Thanks in advance
  5. aceshigh69

    Someone stole my plants!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Look man its like this. You wanna grow outside fine , great. But you have to keep it a secret. My first outdoor grow was awesome. I harvested 90% of my plants and when i went back the next day for the rest. they were gone. Buckets and everything. I let a few people see them. But everyone blamed...
  6. aceshigh69

    How much sunlight?

    i personally like my plants to be shaded a lil bit. To me they are a little more protected and they grow fine. I have grown plants over seven feet tall in the shade. that produced massive buds
  7. aceshigh69

    He cheated on me and had a kid....with his ex

    ok cool. the last thing i want to do is piss you off. lol
  8. aceshigh69

    amount of plants per watts

    Thanks stump . im sure that will help alot of people
  9. aceshigh69

    He cheated on me and had a kid....with his ex

    ok it was just a thought. I didnt mean to affend i swear. You do whatever you have to do to make you feel better. Eat ice cream, hang out on the beach, buy a new car. Treat yourself.
  10. aceshigh69

    Michael Jackson is dead

    yes sir Farah died from cancer at 62 and michael died of heart attack at 50. today. Best wishes and prayers go out to the families for thier loss
  11. aceshigh69

    growing in the shade...?

    dude i grew unbder the shade of multiple trees and had plants in the six and seven foot range. they will be fine. dont stress out riu friend. your doing great
  12. aceshigh69

    He cheated on me and had a kid....with his ex

    lets not turn this into an evil revenge plot. We want purple kitty to be calm and cool. She has been thru enough. But if you must. Sleep with his best friend. That should do the trick. The only way to get over somebody is to get under somebody else.
  13. aceshigh69

    spider mites outside?

    I had a spider mite attack and i handled it with a rubbing alcohol and water mixture 50/50. Then i followed up ith a light coating of seven dust. works for me and i stick to it
  14. aceshigh69

    Michael Jackson is dead

    oh well i feel worse about farah faucet
  15. aceshigh69

    Leaving for the weekend

    leave it on twelve and twelve. Water the shit out of it right before you walk out the door then water as soon as you return. They will be fine.
  16. aceshigh69

    Ballast Confusion HELP!

    shop on e bay and craigslist. good luck
  17. aceshigh69


    they will flower fine with the same light. But the yeild will be different. smaller
  18. aceshigh69

    any advice??????

    Also i asgree on the indica. Grow it right and it will pay you back for sure. good luck
  19. aceshigh69

    any advice??????

    Whats up man, first off stop giving the plants nutes. They are getting everything they need from the soil. it should feed them for three months alone. add water and maybe a little mollassas. Second its time to step up the light program. HG supply has some really awesome deals on ebay. Hit me up...
  20. aceshigh69

    The Rep-Whore thread

    Big rep to all of my RIU friends.