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  1. aceshigh69

    My seed sprouted but I need some help!

    Sometimes they get stuck. Leave it alone for another two days . if it doesnt fall off on its own. Ever so gently try and remove it. But be prepared, they are very easily damaged at this age. I have pulled off the seed on some and they were fine. On others they died shortly after. good luck grow...
  2. aceshigh69

    plz help whats with these droopy plants

    Water is is not right. The plants do look great otherwise. Good luck
  3. aceshigh69

    Miracle Grow

    MG is a good nute , its just hot. I use it on plants after two and a half months. Its just to strong for the babies. MG potting soil is good for outdoorss. It light and breathes well. Whether you do the powder that you mix in water or the soil. wait till they are estalished. Dont let the organic...
  4. aceshigh69

    Is it female?

    Female. enjoy
  5. aceshigh69

    How much should i check on them?

    Twice a week. That way you can keep a good eye on them. Things tend to happen. Once wild pigs knocked over my buckets, once i had bugs real bad. But i was able to save them because i never neglected them to much.
  6. aceshigh69

    Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

    Been awake and still baked
  7. aceshigh69

    need answer from a pro!

    it wont be hard to tell.
  8. aceshigh69

    Whats wrong with miracle Gro??

    He is using regular soil and adding the green powder that you mix in water.
  9. aceshigh69

    Whats wrong with miracle Gro??

    MG is a hot product. But a good one. And every third watering is perfect. I dont know why so many people talk bad about it.
  10. aceshigh69

    Any single (male) cultivators from SoCal out there?

    You will never fin a man without selling yourself in picture form first. Sorry we are all shallow self centered pigs. Didnt you get the memo
  11. aceshigh69

    49 million to five

    Its your Choice. But i agree that the people who sign up for it should be the ones paying for it.
  12. aceshigh69

    Obama Haters Unite

    Probably will get a second term, since all he is doing now is campaining. He is alot better than the dick we had. but He himself is also a political piece of shit . Just like the rest of them. He spends way more money than we have. And we averaged an 8 dollar increase on our checks. Sorry if im...
  13. aceshigh69

    Day 38 already harvesting

    looks great but still to early. They swell alo toward the end
  14. aceshigh69

    When is it too late to plant outside?

    She is a year and a half now
  15. aceshigh69

    My dog ate my burned joint...

    The dog told you that you got jipped.Hang on a minute. My dog is the only talking dog i know of
  16. aceshigh69

    volcanic rock

    they work great.
  17. aceshigh69

    When is it too late to plant outside?

    hell plant them, whats the worst that could happen. it will be a small yield but a yield none the less.
  18. aceshigh69

    The earth needs oil!!!

    Finally an answer from a wise man or woman, whatever. We need oil. Its in paint, plastic, even the machines that weeve string together to make the clothes your wearing right now are lubricated with oil. I say drill and drill somemore. we can never have enough
  19. aceshigh69

    9k first grow

    First grow? Impressive. Now lets see what it can do
  20. aceshigh69

    Clone Question

    The stretch has to do with the lighting my friend. Move the light closer.