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  1. Chadness

    Bushy Plants

    You could try Jock horro from nirvana. Great bushy plant and only about 16 inches tall at the moment. Here is a pic 1.5 weeks into flower
  2. Chadness

    is this light over priced?

    I had a quick look on ebay aussie and couldn't find any 250 w kits but you can buy the parts separately for not much more than $120. Saw a 600w kit on there for $170. now that is cheap. Had JB Ballast with it which is the same brand i use.
  3. Chadness

    Anyone recieved seeds to Australia - without issue - recently?

    Fair enough. I got some chillies in my propagator at the moment. Damn they are slow. 1 week to pop a root out.
  4. Chadness

    Anyone recieved seeds to Australia - without issue - recently?

    How are your night time temps Grass. Ours here are still very warm in the lows 20's i think. I also have a heated germination tray which i guess would help a lot too. Pop the seeds in chuck the cover on and Bob's your father's brother. All a stable temperature.
  5. Chadness

    Anyone recieved seeds to Australia - without issue - recently?

    I'm not sure. How deep did you bury them? Can you dig around the seed to see what is going on? I planted in rock wool cube once the germinated and didn't cover them up so i could see what's going on. I think mine got sprouts within 4 days. Check out the link in my sig and thats got pics of...
  6. Chadness

    is this light over priced?

    To be honest mate I've only ever bought 600 watt kits so i can't say. Have a look on ebay for a general idea then you can check out hydro shops maybe. Maybe you could purchase from ebay and have it shipped in from out of state. not against the law there.
  7. Chadness

    Anyone recieved seeds to Australia - without issue - recently?

    Nice one. make sure you post a few pics man. Lol i love playing god with new born plants. Muah ha ha ha ha ha we have the power to make them live or die. LOL
  8. Chadness

    is this light over priced?

    Here is some more reading for you which describes the 400 watts and over This act was brought into effect in 2010. Can't find anything else to condradict it so it wust still be in effect. Lol looks like i'm not moving to SA anytime...
  9. Chadness

    Anyone recieved seeds to Australia - without issue - recently?

    Looks can be deceiving mate. Lol I'm not one to talk really cause I've only germinated seeds once. I germinated 10 4 split within 12 hours the rest took between 24 and 48 hours using the paper towel method. Patience, patience patience.
  10. Chadness

    is this light over priced?

    Lol homemade incubator sounds like a good idea. You could also say that you are selectively breeding chillies so they can't be cross-pollinated by any other chillies as well. I read the 400watts and over on another forum which was discussing the matter and i'm not sure if i'm able to post the...
  11. Chadness

    is this light over priced?

    Did some research on this and it seems that the hydro stores over in SA need to be registered with the police. If someone purchases a light equal to or greater than 400w over the counter then the store must sight I.d and report the sale to the police. This also applies to carbon filters. LOL...
  12. Chadness

    is this light over priced?

    hey man, Hydro lights are not illegal in aussie, but when you buy one from a store they do look at you sideways. I've bought 5 of them over here in WA. No problems. In the land down under you are looking at between $320 and $375 for a basic 600 watt system. they are expensive but with a small...
  13. Chadness

    Anyone recieved seeds to Australia - without issue - recently?

    Woohoo you all in business then. Good on ya mate
  14. Chadness

    Anyone recieved seeds to Australia - without issue - recently?

    Hahaha good luck with moving Grass. I had to move about 4 months ago and i still had about 80 plants left in bloom. It stressed the hell out of them. Only got about 9 oz out of those that time. As an aside Grass i picked up some colloidal silver today $21 for 500ml of it. Gonna start me a seed...
  15. Chadness

    Jock Horror and NYPD 1st seed gro

    Good morning kind people, Went into the grow room this morning and this is what i found. I check the girls at least 3 times perday as I'm an impatient prick and can't wait. Less than a week into bloom and the Jocks are showing their girl bits already!!! Woohoo. Can't wait till they finish...
  16. Chadness

    Jock Horror and NYPD 1st seed gro

    Thanks man. Its been a long time growing big plants but i think i'm doing ok. This grow is experimental in so many ways. Unknown genetics, only the one light. New room etc. So many variables to go wrong. LOL
  17. Chadness

    Jock Horror and NYPD 1st seed gro

    Happy New Year to all, here is my weekly update for the girls. I just flipped to 12/12 on wednesday or thursday and so far they have already stretched approx 4 inches. The jocks seem to be stretching a lot faster. Just changed the res to bloom nutes and chucked in some Peroxide. Girls are...
  18. Chadness

    3 page post just got LOST.. F*ck typing all that again >:(

    Nice one. Can't wait to see. I'll post some more pics of mine if you like.
  19. Chadness

    Coffie Can Competition- Get in by the 1st!!

    Hahaha drampire i've done that before. I use the 50% solution and that can burn like nothing you seen before. I do use a pipette though to minimise risk.
  20. Chadness

    Anyone recieved seeds to Australia - without issue - recently?

    I ordered from Nirvana about 2 months ago. Arrived to my P.O box in 2 weeks. Exactly what i ordered. Packed kinda like a letter which i thought was great. All beans popped within 24 hours. 7 survived out of 10 seeds. i would definately order from them again. It could just be the holidays as...