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  1. GrowNube

    Flower Bomb Kush - Strain Hunters

    Hey all - FBK from strain hunters... I've heard they are suspect and all the trash talk so not looking for comments there on quality of strain. Too late for that... Just a general question - seedbank reports 8 week flower period. Has anyone here grown it or heard if that is pretty spot on or if...
  2. GrowNube

    Flowerbomb Kush - Strain Hunters

    Read that on here... I don't know. Apparently this strain won a cup and so far... Looking unreal
  3. GrowNube

    Flowerbomb Kush - Strain Hunters

    Yeah - newbie, so guess I made a noob mistake but looking for knowledge on the time it takes... :-/
  4. GrowNube

    Flowerbomb Kush - Strain Hunters

    Hey all - FBK from strain hunters... I've heard they are suspect and all the trash talk so not looking for comments there on quality of strain. Too late for that... Just a general question - seedbank reports 8 week flower period. Has anyone here grown it or heard if that is pretty spot on or if...
  5. GrowNube

    Feeding frequency during flowering

    Thanks! So I will continue with how I have been. Much appreciated
  6. GrowNube

    Feeding frequency during flowering

    hey all! Using recommended earth juice mix for flowering.. 1 tbsp bloom, 1 tsp catalyst.. Also mixing meta-k and microblast 1 - 2 times during flowering... Have been mixing hi-brix and oilycann at small dosages to fatten up and add sweetness to buds... Question is, do you recommend feeding...
  7. GrowNube

    Best way to get up close and personal with trichomes

    Now that's personal haha
  8. GrowNube

    Best way to get up close and personal with trichomes

    so my first grow and it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... Aka, getting frosty! What is your favorite magnifying method for keeping a close eye on trichomes... I have a cheap magnifying camera for phone but what a pain in the ass! Is a digital microscope worth it in your opinion? If...
  9. GrowNube

    Swollen Calyx or Hermie?

    Thanks fam!
  10. GrowNube

    Swollen Calyx or Hermie?

    Thanks! I gotta calm myself down sometimes haha
  11. GrowNube

    Swollen Calyx or Hermie?

    Would you recommend? Thanks!
  12. GrowNube

    Swollen Calyx or Hermie?

    What seedbank are you using?
  13. GrowNube

    Swollen Calyx or Hermie?

    Awesome to hear! Thanks a lot for the help
  14. GrowNube

    Swollen Calyx or Hermie?

    Thanks... Think I was just over reacting... These were feminized seeds
  15. GrowNube

    Swollen Calyx or Hermie?

    Perfect!!! Thanks so much!!
  16. GrowNube

    Swollen Calyx or Hermie?

    Sooooo I'm typically one to over react. First time growing and everything, at first, seems like a red alarm that gives me a mini panic attack... Two pictures attached... The tear drop looking thing under those sugar leaves...? Is that just a swollen calyx or something I should be concerned...
  17. GrowNube

    Earth Juice Oilycann...? Help!

    Thanks... I had read that article multiple times to make sure I wasn't missing anything haha... Yeah - I am in smart pots and used FFOF, roots organics, black gold organic, and happy frog from fox farm and mixed in castings and perlite... Haven't used castings since originally mixing in soil...
  18. GrowNube

    Earth Juice Oilycann...? Help!

    Thank you again for the response!!! I will try oilycann the next feeding and keep a close watch!! I bubble all in a 5 gallon for 24-48 hour and use mixes provided in that link...I've read that one 5-10 times to make sure I don't miss/forget anything... Thanks again
  19. GrowNube

    Earth Juice Oilycann...? Help!

    Thanks... Appreciate it... So how often, how much, when do I start/stop? That post is great. I've read it many times but says nothing about oilycann....?
  20. GrowNube

    LST - Should I "unleash the beast" in flower?!

    Thanks so much! My only thought of advantage was getting the branches to stretch towards light and getting bud sites a bit further away from soil and the moisture and or nutrients that may bounce off of soil from waterings/ feedings... Hmmmm sounds like not huge gain either way...