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  1. S

    About to start a new grow need some advice

    I've done ww a few times and I do like it but obv there are people out there who are a lot more advanced at growing than me so a few tips are good. Should I just use bio bizz or is there a lot better ones which will make my yeild bigger? In my 1st grow I ever did I used mirical grow and my...
  2. S

    About to start a new grow need some advice

    Hey people I've not done a grow now for a while and wantsome advice. I have two 600w lights and a 2.4m x 1.2m grow tent and 2m high. I want to fill it up and have a decent size grow but also does the soil used make a massive difference? I used from a gardeners place like a fairly standard one...
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    1st time aero grow some help needed

    Yes res is coverd up. And i will drop my ph a little to 5.7/5.8 then. The ppm reader am i reading it correctly? Do i read off the x500 side and it flashes on a number is that the ppm? Thanks for the chart. You dont happen to have one on a ppm guide do you at all
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    1st time aero grow some help needed

    Also what are bennies?
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    1st time aero grow some help needed

    Ok thanks for that. Yea it is pritty warm my res. i have just gone back onto flouro's for the ones in veg as the 600w light was makeing that pritty warm and as for the ones in flower i have got a fan on it constantly and im going to cover it to reflect the heat Am i also reading my ppm stick...
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    1st time aero grow some help needed

    Yes i will find out how hot it is at the hottest point of the next day and i will figure something out. I dont think it is that hot not 80degrees anyway. Thanks for the info guys anyway
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    1st time aero grow some help needed

    I dont really look at the roots in all fairness every few days just for like a few seconds to see if they are comeing on. The water in the system doesnt seem to be stupidly hot just a little warm id say but i will figure a way to try keep the temp down in it. A few frozen bottles
  8. S

    1st time aero grow some help needed

    Yes i will pm you for help then. I have a ppm stick but not 100% on how to properly use it. It has on one side it has x700 and on the other side x500. What side do use to work my reading out? It flashes on the 600 if im on going off the x500 ppm reading. So i take it will be 600ppm. Im in week...
  9. S

    1st time aero grow some help needed

    how do i keep my solution cold then? might be why the roots are like that then. it did seem rather warm the water i have an air stone in my water aswell yes clean tap source. when i use my ppm it doesnt read. only reads when the solution is mixed. then i know what it is room temp is about...
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    Yea i use them for my lights but for my aero i want to use one that i can set to like 1 min on 6 off
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    The UK Growers Thread!

    As in 1 min on and 6 min off Ive been useing a 15 on 15 off for my aero setup
  12. S

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Anyone tell me where i can get a cycle timer for my aeroponics system? At a reasonable price
  13. S

    1st time aero grow some help needed

    Ive always used tap water and its at room temp. I dont have it heated. What neuts would you recomend aswell?
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    1st time aero grow some help needed

    Yea im pritty concernd about the roots that is why i took a picture of them dont know why there looking like that. Was hoping someone could help us on that one Do you think my neutes are ok. Im thinking of looking for new veg neuts Not sure what to get though
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    1st time aero grow some help needed

  16. S

    advice on seed strains

    yea thanks for that. how can i create seeds using only females? i heard you can spray something on them so they dont need a male. is that correct or do i need a males pollen to make seeds?
  17. S

    1st time aero grow some help needed

    hey guys i have been growing in soil for over a year now and well i wanted to go aero. i have got an amazon aeroponics system 2 of. one in veg and one in flower both on a 15 on 15 off cycle timer at the minute only because i dont know where to get a uk plug smaller timed timer from i have a...
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    advice on seed strains

    hey guys i was just curious on seeds. baisicly i am growing white widow at the min by nivarna. i did a grow of white widow in greenhouse seeds a while back and they seemed to have a bigger yeild and looked stronger if that makes sence what i want to know is does useing diferent seed banks...
  19. S

    light help and info please

    hey guys, i have been growing now for over a year. started in soin with a 600w light. then got another 600w light. i have also gone from soil to areoponics settup which i am on my 1st grow and just gone into flowering a few days ago. i have 2 rooms a veg room with 3 flouro's in to get them...
  20. S

    Changing to areoponics from soil help and tips please

    i cant seem to find one anywhere.