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    If a room is not light tight can it mess the plant up????

    Well my conditions are pritty good lol Just a bit curious on why they havent started to bud. My last grow was fantastic lol
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    If a room is not light tight can it mess the plant up????

    Well i have been in flower now for over a week. I have noticed that some are female as they were mixed seeds but no buds have started to gorm at all it is pritty dam dark in there but has the odd leak of light. Dont know if they are flowering yet???
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    If a room is not light tight can it mess the plant up????

    Hey there. I have two rooms going at the minute. A veg room with flouros in and a flower room with 2 600w lights in. I have spit the room in two but very very small ammouts of light get into to flower room. Is this a concern and will it flower properly? When will i start to see them...
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    Groing in soil at the minute but thinking of changeing ideas help and info please

    yea i will let you know when i start it. not going to be for a while but in the near future. do white widdow 5 on each see what my outcome is.
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    Groing in soil at the minute but thinking of changeing ideas help and info please

    Yea thanks for that man. I think what i am going to do is make something that holds a few plants. Still do a soil grow and see the difference in them both. Got some white widow seeds for my next grow. So do so many in soil and so many with what i decide To try.
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    Groing in soil at the minute but thinking of changeing ideas help and info please

    well i must say thank you for all of that info man! was well woth the read. im just reading up things now about it and to see what way to go like hydro areo ect. if you do aero do you have to keep the roots out of the bottom of the water? how do you know how much neuts to add? is it costly...
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    Groing in soil at the minute but thinking of changeing ideas help and info please

    another thing when you do aeroponic. how do you determin how much neuts you add? is there something to read the water like a ph tester?
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    Groing in soil at the minute but thinking of changeing ideas help and info please

    Thanks man. Im just in the middle of looking now. Might get it all ready for my next grow or something
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    Groing in soil at the minute but thinking of changeing ideas help and info please

    Yea i do plan on makeing my own. Do you know any good diy tutorials? Looking around for good ideas to use?
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    Groing in soil at the minute but thinking of changeing ideas help and info please

    Hey there. Right im fairly new to this game now but im already considering in changeing my grow medium. I use soil at the minute. Is it easy to set up an aerophonic system??? I have been looking at these and think it would be better to grow in as you dont have to go out and buy soil ect...
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    Germinateing bubblelicious problem

    Well i had some seeds off a diff stain which came off one of my female plants not long ago and when i tried to germinate em they didnt work. So i left mine in the fridge for a bit n then tried em again and all the seeds that looked healthy sprouted. I usually leave mine on The side in my grow...
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    Germinateing bubblelicious problem

    Yes i have had a look at the site and when im ready i think ill give the blue cheese a go. My babies are now on the up lol
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    Germinateing bubblelicious problem

    Cool may have a look into the compost thing aswell. The one in compost seems to love it at the mo and is makeing me think of weather to do a full compost grow. Hmmmm Ill have a look at where you get your seeds from see what other strains they have. Thanks for the help bro
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    Ak48 Bud Porn SOG Field of Dreams. Late stage of bloom. Bump if you like. Aero / NFT

    hey dude. im growing ak48 now. how tall did you let them go befor you went into flower? and what was your yeild per plant? im thinking of going into flower in the next 2 weeks when they get to about 1 foot tall
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    Germinateing bubblelicious problem

    Well i usually use nirvana for my seeds. You recomend anywhere else for seeds at a good price? I have got back home now to see there has been a bit of life lol. There all sprouting so will be potting them all in the morning. Also one quick question. Is growing weed in compost any good??? I...
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    Germinateing bubblelicious problem

    Yea maybe im being a little impatient. They may be fine but had a problem last time round. What are they like to grow??
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    Germinateing bubblelicious problem

    The last time i germinated some seeds were 4 weeks ago and the temps are the same if not a little better. I have always kept my system the same and never had a problem with them. Maybe im being a little impatient on them sprouting as the last lot never lol. Usually i see something happening...
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    Germinateing bubblelicious problem

    Hey there. Got a little problem. I have recently bought some seeds. Bubblelicious from nirvana. I never have any prroblems germinating seeds. But i have with these. My method is the paper towel method. I use a plate with a paper towel which is damp put the seeds on another damp...
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    How many plants can i grow under 2 600w lights?

    yea it is a pritty vauge question, but i wanted opinions on how many would be fine. i dont want to put too many in which will not be affective. but thanks for the info