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  1. S

    Changing to areoponics from soil help and tips please

    Ok i will do that. In my cloner do i need to do the same type of timer or can that be left on all the time?
  2. S

    Changing to areoponics from soil help and tips please

    How come? Isnt ot a lot easier in areo? Less bugs, bigger yeilds and faster? I just want to change as i want to see the outcome of it. Have you done both? And why do you prefer soil? Ive got a grow just finished now and go one baisicly ready for flowering
  3. S

    Changing to areoponics from soil help and tips please

    also when makeing clones do you leave the cloner on all the time spraying the roots or not?
  4. S

    Changing to areoponics from soil help and tips please

    ok so i have been growing now for over a year. i have bben useing soil since ive started but now im at the point where i need a change and i want bigger yeilds lol i have just got a clone maker which i will start them off in as i was doing them in rockwool cubes and then i will when ready put...
  5. S

    What Do You Think to My Grow? Bubblelicious

    thanks dude. i dont think there is any damage that i am aware of but i noticed them in the soil, very tiny things, i will try my best to get a picture of them or look for one and thanks for the tip on the tape ill give it a try
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    What Do You Think to My Grow? Bubblelicious

    the smell is amazeing lol
  7. S

    What Do You Think to My Grow? Bubblelicious

    thanks mate im useing two 600w hps lights. one of the lights has stopped working so need new bulb for it, so going to replace them both this week ready for when i put my white widdow in next week
  8. S

    What Do You Think to My Grow? Bubblelicious

    here are a few pics of my grow. i am growing nirvana bubblelicious i am nearly on week 8 now so im thinking go to week 9. useing just water at the mo with a little bit of sugar in it what do you think???? also i have little bugs/mites of some sort in my soil in my veg room dont know what...
  9. S

    Cloneing help and advice please

    Yea i will get a cloner but not just yet. Maybe on my next go round. But for these i am just going to use rockwool cubes. They seem to be doin ok just wanted to make sure i was doing the right thing
  10. S

    Cloneing help and advice please

    Right roots have come throug my rockwool cubes. When do i plant into soil??? Also do i leave in the cube when i plant into soil or not? I have a feeling i should as it might damage the roots.
  11. S

    Cloneing help and advice please

    Thanks for that was useful to me i have now put a heat mat under the tray but only to come on for a few hours a day it has been just short of a week so i will just do as you have said and i shud be good to go soon thanks man
  12. S

    Cloneing help and advice please

    I do have a heat pad but the only thing is im a bit concernd that if i use it it willmdry The rockwool out and then the clones will die. I did that last time and knackerd them. Do i keep the rockwool always moist and water it every day? Yes i will not touch them as of now. Just wanted to see...
  13. S

    Cloneing help and advice please

    Yea they look like there doing ok but do i just leave them in there rockwool cube till the roots find there way out the bottom? And how long do i leave them in there humidity dome for????? Dont want to mess them up at this point. Want to make sure im Doing it correct Also i have looked at vids...
  14. S

    Cloneing help and advice please

    Hey there. I have been growing weed for a few goes now and always start with a seed. I tried to clone once but failed bad. I now have tried again. Done things different. Like useing rockwool and takei g more care of them and watering them all the time The thing is they have heen in a...
  15. S

    What is the earlyst i can put into flower to show sex?????

    Thanks man. There about 4 weeks now anyways. So ill just wait. I was just curious to see if you could sex them early so i didnt have to repot and could move out of the room
  16. S

    What is the earlyst i can put into flower to show sex?????

    Yea i am a newb lol. I have two grows on the go though. One in veg n one flower. Just wanted to try and seperate all the males from the females that was all. Thought if you could find the sex of them early it would be fine.
  17. S

    What is the earlyst i can put into flower to show sex?????

    Hey there got a few plants on the go at the mo and they are mixed seeds so dont know if there male or female there about 4" tall. And only young. But i want to find out the males and get rid before i pot em up. Then maybe reveg till a bit taller! What is the best thing to do???? Can i just...
  18. S

    If a room is not light tight can it mess the plant up????

    yea thanks man. think im being impaitent on waiting lol. and now for the light leakage, all has gone. its all been sorted some way or another so just gonna watch them grow lol. yea i have a extractor on during flower and not through veg. (well through veg but not as much as flower)
  19. S

    If a room is not light tight can it mess the plant up????

    I left them in veg for 7 weeks. Till they were all at least a foot. Now there all nearly 2ft tall. Loads of space but not a problem but they have shot up this week. Humidity well i dont have anything to measure it but will do soon but id say its not to humid.
  20. S

    If a room is not light tight can it mess the plant up????

    It has only been 8 days since it went to flower. I have noticed which are female and which are male. The males have been moved now but thought id start to see the buds by now that was all