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  1. StewartWarner

    My 600 Watt Vert Thoughts

    alright thanks for the advice i like the idea about not using a cooltube it would be cheaper and i would just have to focus on exaust out, The way its set up now in the bottom pic it is blowing out of the room, the shelves on the side are just over there cause i didnt want to draw them so...
  2. StewartWarner

    My 600 Watt Vert Thoughts

    The box fan is there to hopefully move air through the canopy, plants being about 12" from the light, never thought of the shape of the shelf ill have to work on that. and i didnt put the Intake for the whole room because i feel that its situational on its placement. this is just a brainstorming...
  3. StewartWarner

    My 600 Watt Vert Thoughts

    Hello all this is what i have been brainstorming for the past hour or so, i thought i would post it and get some feedback from the community Okay this is the view from the Top-Down The red grid is 1' sq so you can get size ideas the cooltube is 6" and the box fan is bout 20"sq (im thinking...
  4. StewartWarner

    600W Vert Blueprints

    Hello all this is what i have been brainstorming for the past hour or so, i thought i would post it and get some feedback from the community :) Okay this is the view from the Top-Down The red grid is 1' sq so you can get size ideas the cooltube is 6" and the box fan is bout 20"sq (im thinking...
  5. StewartWarner

    Auto#1 CFL grow

    looking good man :D
  6. StewartWarner

    How much wider do plants get when flipped 12/12?

    its more of an all around growth they get "wider" yes the whole plant grows not just the main stem.
  7. StewartWarner

    Flowering plant back to veg

    you can its just gonna slow growth way down
  8. StewartWarner

    A few last questions before starting my grow

    start feeding when the plants look hungry/ start to yellow a bit
  9. StewartWarner

    my First time with Auto's !!!

    glad to see things are going good man :) keep it up.
  10. StewartWarner

    Advance Nutrients Jungle Juice & Lucas Method you've been there right? ^ and tallen provided great advice keep it simple theres alot of snake oils out there
  11. StewartWarner

    A few last questions before starting my grow

    #1// i like 20/4 myself (no experence w/ autos but i have had no problems using this) #2 why not start in the 5g fill it with the FFOF and then dig out a sofball sized portion int the center of the bucket and fill that with the Happy Frog, the plant still starts in the happy frog and will be...
  12. StewartWarner

    Best thing i can get for 500$ ? i also set a budget of 500$ for my first legit grow and thats what i decided on, ill be growing vertical with it and using cfl for a mother in another room.
  13. StewartWarner

    326W CFL Closet Stealth Grow 2012((!!PICS INCLUDED!!))

    Hey guys sorry no updates yet, still have family in town for holidays ;) will get ya sata-t-fied with pics asap! :D things are going great though the pistles are a bout 1cm and growing every day. Im still using a 50/50 mix of MG grow"tomato" and Bloom ill put two tea-spoons of each in a gallon...
  14. StewartWarner

    Semi Ghetto grow - 2nd Times a Charm

    Hey man everything looks really good +rep for sure. im really interested in the Blue Mystic im thinking of this one for my first "real" go at growing. ill be checking this out to watch them finish up ;)
  15. StewartWarner

    A Tiny Bit of Light at Night Time in Flower?

    Chilling out helps alot on the first few grows, my third time round i finnally mellowed out and it was so much easier.
  16. StewartWarner

    Police Officer Moved Next Door

    lol just grow man i had a cop move in behind me once and im sure he recongnized me walking out to the garage w/ various grow stuff lol nothing ever happened and he eventually moved. Just be cool about it and dont act like your growing lol control the smell brotha ;) GL with your grow man, toking...
  17. StewartWarner

    ~>~>~> calling all electricians <~<~<~

    okay as far as the lighting goes there is an easier way that i use. get three lamp socket packs from wall-e-world and three Y socket slpitters (maybe wall, lowes,homedepo ect.) then you can plug all three sockets into one power strip, then plug that into timer or whatever. and for the fans you...
  18. StewartWarner

    new guy help needed

    if your going big for the first time stick w/ one strain just to keep things consistant. As for side lighting from personal experence (assuming that your buckets are going to be in 2 rows of 9) just hang some t5 on either side, cfl will work but your going to need a few to cover they space the...
  19. StewartWarner

    sprouts leaves pointing down with little discoloration (light green) is the one for hps
  20. StewartWarner

    sprouts leaves pointing down with little discoloration (light green)

    first of all water every 3-4 days, and second when there young they dont need much light but as they get older this may help,