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  1. BuddyColas

    World Of Hempy Is this where you were reading?
  2. BuddyColas

    First Bubble Cloner

    My 2 cents worth. I use: 1ml/gallon of Rapid Start 6ml/gallon of Clear Rez each week Aquarium heater built to keep water at 78F With Clear Rez you really can use water that warm and the metabolism of the clones really takes off. The pic is of 16 day old cuttings. And, have patience, it seems it...
  3. BuddyColas

    Rockwool for medium?

    Here's what I do with the bulk rockwool. I tear it into pieces and mix it with coarse perlite. It works great, and can not be over-watered. I've tried. It holds a lot of water and a lot of air...about 50/ the small RW cubes, but a lot cheaper.
  4. BuddyColas

    Easy aluminum frame brazing - stronger, more efficient designs

    Great video. Thanks for sharing. I have only used bolts and rivets...'till NOW! Inquiring minds would like to see some of your frames.
  5. BuddyColas

    LUX meter? Here is a great thread on using a multiplier and a lux reading. So for most "warm" cobs/strips take LUX reading in thousands TIMES 15. That will get you in the ballpark. So it won't give you the exact number of photons, but it will help...
  6. BuddyColas

    The klx Way!

    I have used GH Armor Si and DynaGro Pro-Tekt both at 2ml/gallon. I use it the whole run. It does raise the PH some. You're already growing some killer buds, so it will be interesting to see how your foliar feeding works!
  7. BuddyColas

    The klx Way!

    Why yes I did! The girls got some big buds! It's the way the roots grow out into that mat (with no media) that really floats my boat. I will try that one day. So have you tried the batting as a mat?
  8. BuddyColas

    The klx Way!

    Looks like your garden helper did a good job while you were away. On the skinny branches with GS, have you tried any silicon supplements? I don't know the percentage gain, but the branches and main stem are visibly bigger when I use silicon. I've done some late-in-the-run supercropping and...
  9. BuddyColas

    Pythium in my well water. H202 or Pool shock? Check out post #43 Turns out the chlorine combines with nitrogen (fairly popular in nutes). I have seen this for myself testing with pool or hottub strips. I have a good 4-5ppm chlorine, then I add...
  10. BuddyColas

    Megacrop dry nutes in dwc A lot of good info in this thread.
  11. BuddyColas

    Keeping a sterile res in dwc Shock Chlorine Advice

    "1 to 5 ppm of free chlorine is safe for humans and cannabis. 1ppm for HTH pool shock is 0.10 grams per 10 gal. " from post #2
  12. BuddyColas

    The klx Way!

    Good on ya for your first run and diving right in. I grew a lot of tomatoes in DWC and F&D so I could learn and wouldn't stress when I'd toast 'em or kill 'em! I can't get 50% either, just 29% H2O2 here. So I double KLX's dose and just dump it right in the bubbling res. I've also tried 6%...
  13. BuddyColas

    The klx Way!

    "2x4 F&D tray with 100L res flooded every couple of hours with Canna Vega A&B, dosed with ~20ml 50% H2O2 every 3 days. Current keeper mums are a Dinafem OG Kush and Samsara seeds Sweet Black Angel (Black Domina x Super Silver Haze). Both loved by my circle." So I'm taking from this: He's using...
  14. BuddyColas

    The klx Way!

    Check out post #1
  15. BuddyColas

    World Of Hempy

    I'll bite...what are PGR's?
  16. BuddyColas

    Samsung H inFlux_L06 strips

    Does the second picture say 4000K?
  17. BuddyColas

    1st dwc harvest. will never grow soil again!

    Use any bennies in the res? My plants are light eaters with DWC. Nothing over EC 1.2
  18. BuddyColas

    The klx Way!

    Some growers use quilt batting on the bottom of their flood/drain tray to retain moisture between floods and something for the roots to hold onto.
  19. BuddyColas

    Nextlight WTF - More LED Safety Woe's!!

    Many safety issues? Sounds like only one. And they admit it...and they will send you the fix. Relax Grasshopper. It's all good.:mrgreen:
  20. BuddyColas

    Digikey will be selling the new Samsung Horticulture Linear LED strips.

    The lm/watt doesn't tell the whole story as so much of the energy is out of the lumen curve. The 2.74 umols/joule is where they really shine (no pun intended).