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  1. Exodus79

    how much abuse can a plant take ?

    Greetings I have two strains that 4 weeks old and all pass the 3rd node branch. I`ve discovered root rot which stunned the growth dramatically. Long story short i`ve ripped all the roots basically leaving the stem and top leafs. Cleaned both stems with H2O2 and then powdered with great white...
  2. Exodus79

    Can my plants be saved ?

    I understand where your coming from with that comment, but these plants are already considered dead. I`ve only put these by the window with alluminum foil covering everything for 1 day. Just to see if new roots would develop. I`ve posted nuermous threads about root rot and I did learn a few...
  3. Exodus79

    Can my plants be saved ?

    what would be a good alternative?
  4. Exodus79

    Can my plants be saved ?

    Serious case of root rot. Took off the dead roots and treated with h2o2. Waiting for great white micorrhizae to arrive by mail. I hope I can rescue them what do you think ?
  5. Exodus79

    UV-C light, worth it to kill spores?

    I`m wondering if I could put a UV-C light for a few minutes in my res daily or something to make sure it kills bacteria prevent root rot.
  6. Exodus79

    When is it too late to clone

    So I’m defeated with this Royal Gorilla. I don’t know what’s special with Hygrozyme, but I’ve put in half the recommended dose and it looks like a college prank gone right in there! So I’m thinking starting over with a cut off because this is good genetic seed I don’t want to put to waist...
  7. Exodus79

    Current Culture and AN line issues due to high Oxygen level

    Just talk to a hydro guy from a store he suggested me UC roots. I was also looking at flying skull z7 or z9. I hope this solve my problem. I’m will change nutrients once I’ve depleted them and switch brands then.
  8. Exodus79

    Current Culture and AN line issues due to high Oxygen level

    Hey now Kratosxxl I`m having Root Rot problems with temps 18C - 20C. Currently looking into the same problem you have. Should I go sterile or benefical bacteria? I have hydrozyme in my res, it helps a bit but still present. I think it makes it worst since the foam dissipated and now there foam...
  9. Exodus79

    Beneficial Bacteria or Enzymes for healthy roots ?

    So your suggesting this over beneficial bacteria? seems a bit drastic .. Would you continue with voodoo juice after pool shock ? Before doing a res change i`ve disinfected everything with same stuff they disinfect homemade wine kits brewing. This brown gunk problem keeps coming back. even if...
  10. Exodus79

    Beneficial Bacteria or Enzymes for healthy roots ?

    I`m looking into getting somekind of micorrhizae or benefical bacteria. Mr Hesenberg from this forum made a tea and looks like it work miracles so that`s my next step unless I hear something constructive here.
  11. Exodus79

    Beneficial Bacteria or Enzymes for healthy roots ?

    not the type to give up easily
  12. Exodus79

    Beneficial Bacteria or Enzymes for healthy roots ?

    it reduced the color by 50% it came back stronger two days after
  13. Exodus79

    Beneficial Bacteria or Enzymes for healthy roots ?

    Hey Now !! I have brown shit on my roots. No smell no slime. Just brown gunk and it shows on the leaves that it`s suffering. I`ve been reading and i`ve kept my temps below 21C. I`ve tried Sensizyme with Voodoo juice and it`s keeps coming back stronger then ever. Now I just bought Hydrozyme...
  14. Exodus79

    Curled up leaves above dead ones

    I`ve just purchased Hydrozyme I hope this will improve it
  15. Exodus79

    Curled up leaves above dead ones

    I just washed it under the shower hose. 50% of the coloration went out. No smell really, no slime at all. Called the hydro store told them I was using AN except B52. He told me I need enzymes. I’m then I said Introduced Sensizyme 2 days ago. He suggested some other enzyme forgot the name.
  16. Exodus79

    Curled up leaves above dead ones

    I do have my air pumps above water level of my Res.. I don`t know why I have to do this because I would put it on the cement floor. What do you guy`s think?
  17. Exodus79

    Curled up leaves above dead ones

    I swear when I did my res change I kept my temps below 21. I’ve introduce Sensizyme to the batch with voodoo juice. The day after there was discolouration I was discouraged I was thinking maybe I should add in bud candy to give the bactérie something to wake them up and eat. But I held back...
  18. Exodus79

    Curled up leaves above dead ones

    Yeah I posted pick of the peroxide I currently use because i`m not sure if it`s the right one. Then you answered thx Funny thing is that leaf wasn't curled up like that before lights came off yesterday. so In a periode of 6hrs. I was shocked. I`ve dipped the roots in peroxide but hardly long...
  19. Exodus79

    Curled up leaves above dead ones

    Usually 110-140ppm from the tap. I add in AN and then magical + Voodoo. What you say about the air is interesting because this is what different from last grow I had one air pump then but now I have two going in. The Temps got up to 28C and I had my AC Infinity go on auto to kick in higher...
  20. Exodus79

    Curled up leaves above dead ones

    Good day Second attempt, first one was a male plant. This one here is a royal gorilla by queen seeds. Picked it because of good genetics and it sprouted very well after two days. This time I have leaves that are curling up quick. 12hrs these leaves showed physical signs of something is not...