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  1. Fwish

    When can I top , Lst, or F.I.M her? First time trying it.

    My plant is about 3 weeks old atm from seed She's growing like crazy she'll be root bound soon, and she's got 3 - 4 nodes atm, when is a good time to FIM . LST. or Top her. and anyone have any suggestions and or guides you've used of which of the 3 I should use, She's going outside and i'd like...
  2. Fwish

    Growing Autos with no lights at all

    The websites usually convert it for you right before you purchase, The seeds aren't expensive, its the shipping thats a bitch
  3. Fwish

    Growing Autos with no lights at all

    Yup, she's going outside at the end of april
  4. Fwish

    Question about autoflowering .

    I know that the plant will change to flowering on its own, but is it possible to induce darkness and start them flowering manualy?
  5. Fwish

    Growing Autos with no lights at all

    I'm currently growing a Pure AK Auto in my window. She does grow a little slower, but damn she is healthy and happy. Try it out man!
  6. Fwish


  7. Fwish

    24 hours lighting and drooping.

    I think you may be right, there is almost no pearlite in this pot i completely forgot to add it, but i was told that it had vermiculite in it when i bought the soil. would it be safe to replant her right now?
  8. Fwish

    Day 24 cfl No clue what I am doing..does my plant look ok?

    i have triple that amount of wattage, uhg, what am I doin wrong T_T
  9. Fwish

    Day 24 cfl No clue what I am doing..does my plant look ok?

    how many watts are you using and how close do you have them ?
  10. Fwish

    will seed germinate?

    Also "Just sayin" if you don't want to wait, throw them in a cup of distilled water, when they sink to the bottom, they're ready to plant, usualy 24 - 36 hours. I got impatient and didn't wait for mine to sink planted her and she still came up ^^
  11. Fwish

    24 hours lighting and drooping.

    So i read somewhere recently that keeping your babies under 24 hour light while promotes more growth evenvitably slows growth down because "They want / need to sleep " can and will 24 hour lighting from day 1 do this to my plant, pics below, is it bad, and can i ease her to 20 / 4 if she's so...
  12. Fwish

    Im in NCW lookin to grow my first outdoors! Need Info!

    wait till mid may, 1 foot - 2 feet. 1 - 2 months of veg. Depends on the strain how big they will get, My california special if in the proper conditions outdoors can reach 10 ft.
  13. Fwish

    most basic light setup?

    1 for each, 2 each if you want more yield. and yes its more than possible i'm growing with 168 watts of daylights atm.
  14. Fwish

    Few Questions

    Dude, Put them in your window for 12 hours a day then throw em back under the light, they'll thank you bro. Also i'm throwingm y Cali special outside after 1 month 1 - 2 weeks.
  15. Fwish

    what a mess

    Throw them in a window sill that gets atleast 8 hours of direct sunlight a day. They'll be fine.
  16. Fwish

    Slow Growth?? Quick Question w/ PICS

    Go to home depot buy some MG.
  17. Fwish

    Seeding Soil!? NEED ANSWER ASAP

    miracle grow from home depot, get organic stuff
  18. Fwish

    Trying to figure out what to grow Next?

    Chocolope, Cotton candy, Bubblegum kush, Pure AK, blueberry, , but chocolope is what i'm growing next --- Dark chocolate flavored kush ---- / drool
  19. Fwish

    Hi newbie here

    #1, Get a heavy duty power strip grounded, step 2 Get these socket things that plug directly into the electrical socket that you can screw a lightbulb right into. 3 - 4 Step 3, Get a programmable timer. Step 4 step 5, Buy 3 y Sockets step 5 buy 6 26 watt CFL 6.500k spectrum lights, Step...
  20. Fwish

    Newbie here first CFL grow..I think I have a retarded plant?

    Some one fused tomato dna with weed dna to make KETCHUP KUSH