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  1. Fwish

    Breaking news!

    Well she's goin in a nice little hidden spot on my property when she gets taller
  2. Fwish

    Breaking news!

    I have my front yard then some woods then my neighbor down below then a road past his, I am lucky, I'll post a pic tomorrow
  3. Fwish

    Breaking news!

    No over hang, the suns position to the window is perfect the sun shines directly in the window at the plant. Also on my 55 halapeno plants too :D
  4. Fwish

    Breaking news!

    2nd story window, I grew a 10 foot monster last year in my lowest field garden, She'll be fine she's only 3/ 1/2 inches tall XD
  5. Fwish

    Breaking news!

    I pinched my automitics burnt leaves off, 2 days later she's already got 2 nodes at each pinch sight growing heartily.
  6. Fwish

    Cannabis Seeds Sprouting Duration?

    Put it in a window , The light from the sun is 1000x better for everything growing, sprouting , flowering, you want it to get used to the 12 / 10 sunlight.
  7. Fwish

    Breaking news!

    I recently found out the sun is great for growing! Aftering having spent 100+ on lights for vegging and flowering getting 3 weeks into veg, the lights come down too close one night burn the crap out of my plant, so i stick her in the window remove the burnt leaves and she has grown 2 inches in 2...
  8. Fwish

    Help me pick a light for vegging :)

    i recently found out THE SUN is a great light for vegging , Stick em in the window sily, open the window for fresh air = Profit
  9. Fwish

    Indoor to Outdoor lighting transition?

    Follinw this, i was about to ask same questions
  10. Fwish

    How often should i water with nutes?

    i'm going to be using MG moisture control and have 1/4th a tsp of dynagrow plant food 9 - 5 -7 i think diluted in a 1 gallon distilled watter jug
  11. Fwish

    How often should i water with nutes?

    No i am germinating 2 seeds right now, Once they crack and sprout, how long after do i begin watering with nutes?
  12. Fwish

    How often should i water with nutes?

  13. Fwish

    How often should i water with nutes?

    2 questions, How old do I want my plants to be before i begin watering with nutes, and how often do i want to water with nutes instead of just pure distilled water? Note : My nutes are very diluted, 1/4th teaspoon in 1 gallon of dyna grow plant food.
  14. Fwish

    My first outdoor Guerilla grow 2012. Ak-47, White Widow, and more!

    how old are your seedlings when you begin watering with nutes? Also how many weeks you vegging? Edit: Also, do you water with nutes every watering every other?
  15. Fwish

    From bad to worse, my poor baby !

    i'm switchin her light cycle, and putting her in 16 hour direct sunlight in my window until she becomes healthy again.
  16. Fwish

    From bad to worse, my poor baby !

    It's 3 weeks old tomorrow T_T She was beautiful 4 days ago
  17. Fwish

    From bad to worse, my poor baby !

    Don't feed it with nutes while it's recovering?
  18. Fwish

    From bad to worse, my poor baby !

    not sure who to follow... Crazy does sound awful sure, but legally flying is a veteran...
  19. Fwish

    First Timer

    is your plant growing out of a single slot toaster held together by rubber bands and pencils?
  20. Fwish

    From bad to worse, my poor baby !

    thx guys, i hope she looks better by tomarrow