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  1. Fwish

    is it normal?

    not really super stretched, if you notice in the middle little dark points, i had to chop her 3 first sets of true leaves off due to burning of lights and micro organisms from the water getting on the leaves, She'll get bushy i think, she's beginning day 28 tomorrow.
  2. Fwish

    is it normal?

    Recently after i changed my plant to the window i've noticed her leaves go limp, Not like root bound down, or severe over watering down, But slightly down at night as though she's going to sleep and in the morning when the sun rises again her leaves perk right back up and i have to rotate her...
  3. Fwish

    Using a heating pad on a cold night.

    No a dome, just a little heating pad underneath.
  4. Fwish

    Using a heating pad on a cold night.

    Recently the weather has been incredible 70 degree + days for the past 2 weeks, My plant was very unhappy in the closet not growing quickly and she got burnt to boot by a light coming down too close ! So i've since relocated her to the window and she's been more than happy, she's been...
  5. Fwish

    Medical marijuana is coming to Connecticut.

    A bill is being passed soon that will legalize medical marijuana to adults with the recomendation of doctor. the bill has overwhelming support 81 - 19% so hopefully we will see it by the end of april! Also this is a double post, posted it in the wrong section before, Apologies
  6. Fwish

    Medical marijuana is coming to Connecticut.

    A bill is being pass through the CT legislation with an overwhelming amount of support 81 - 19% The bill should be passed by the end of april it's expected.
  7. Fwish

    how much light do i give my 3 day old?

    24 hour light is perfectly alright, if you want to do 18 / 6 17 / 7 16 / 8 thats fine too most find 18 / 6 is optimal. As for watering, You only water when you stick your finger down 1 - 3 inches in the soil and its dry, so maybe 2 - 7 days depending on how much you watered it before.
  8. Fwish

    First Stealth PC Grow.

    Daw she was so cute when she was small
  9. Fwish

    Help! Male or Female, How often to water etc..

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, it is atleast 5 weeks to early to be teling the sex. Keep that baby growing and post back in 4 weeks.
  10. Fwish

    everything looking good?

    it's my personal pref to veg indoors for 1 month, but w/e the plant does grow naturally outdoors all on its own.
  11. Fwish

    everything looking good?

    No minimum of 1 month vegging then if she looks strong enough you can put her outdoors, I vegged mine for 3 weeks and now she sits in a window getting 12 hours of sun. Also go to a walmart / home depot or a nursery near you and get 2 Daylight spectrum bulbs , 6.500k or t 8 Cfls The daylight is...
  12. Fwish

    question on flowering i start my week count from when it showed sex or?

    1 - 3 weeks you should notice the sex
  13. Fwish

    First grow in closet

    entirely what this guy said ^^ Grab a Y socket, buy 2 26 watter daylight spectrum = 6500 k Cfls from either walmart / home depot or a local garden store and lower the light, your plant will thank you.
  14. Fwish

    Is there a difference in taste?

    Ok, lets say for instance you have 2 bubble gum kush buds, One was flushed before harvest the other was not, when smoking the Would it be a killer on your throat does it just taste like that one with the chem / nutes still in it, I ask because i got some purple haz 2nite and most of the...
  15. Fwish

    The earth is my smart pot.

    While many of you opt to grow in smart pots outdoorsm, I have mother earth to let my babyies grow :hump: But srsly, if you're able to, allow the ground to be your pot, The benefits outweight the negitives, In my opinion, Unlimited distance for the roots to grow. Less chance of nute burn...
  16. Fwish

    Thinking of ordering Fem seeds and growing

    Yum, especially the chocolope, also try starwberry cough , grape fruit and cottan candy , /yum
  17. Fwish

    How close should cfl be to plant?

    First of all, Keep em in the window as much as you can during the day and give them the rest of the light at night then have the lights shut off, sunlight is 1000x times better than Cfl,s i gives them vitamins, and nutrients through the sunlight that may cause them to stretch a bit, but in the...
  18. Fwish

    Jock horror auto FIRST LEGIT GROW WOOO!! Send me good joojoo please

    she's so cute! and what this guy said ^^
  19. Fwish

    Breaking news!

    Ok, here is the pics promised last night, Btw whats so easy about sun growing when small, keep rotating your plant and it will change its direction to face the sun, i've rotated nadia 3 times today and she changes direction in under an hour. 2, the unsprouted seed to the right i threw in a shot...
  20. Fwish

    first grow any tips ?

    lookin good man, keep up the good work