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  1. Budzilla420

    hello everyone, buprenorphine program questions for EXPERIENCED only, I NEED FACTS.

    I would just be honest with him. You can abuse suboxone just as fast as subutex, so it really shouldnt be that huge of an issue. Just tell him you dont like the naloxone in the suboxone, you dont like strips, and most importantly tell him that the cost is a huge issue for you. If youve been on...
  2. Budzilla420

    2 Black Russian clones in waterfarms

    Lookin good man, come a long way since starting on those cfls a few years ago. Ill be keeping up with his thread
  3. Budzilla420

    Yo brother, you know who this is. Ima check those grows out now

    Yo brother, you know who this is. Ima check those grows out now
  4. Budzilla420

    When steralizing...

    When using a PC with a weight, you want the weight to shake/rattle/jiggle or whatever you wanna call it once or twice a minute. Thatll basically let you know your at pressure. In my experience, using a PC with PF style jars is a bad idea, because the pressure will force steam and therefor...
  5. Budzilla420

    1st shroom grow, need help Read it, learn it, love it. If your just starting out, PF Tek is the way to go. Its a good, simple, and easy way to learn about the growth stages and life cycle of the mushroom. Plus for a bulk grow you need a pressure...
  6. Budzilla420

    40 day flower and have questions..

    Not pointless but thats probably as big as they're gonna get. They may grow a little more but not significantly. You could cut them off to have a little bit to smoke on while the rest of the plant continues flowering and to get a peek at where its potency stands as of now
  7. Budzilla420

    Too Late for Growing???

    Yeah bud, june/july is when you should kick off the outdoor thing. If you stuck plants out now theyd be dead in a day or two. better luck next year
  8. Budzilla420

    cfl roughfly how much do u get perplant average?

    i just got 3 oz's off 1 3 foot plant.........1st grow..sorry no pics though...just trimmed the last 1 1/2 over the weekend....4-42w_12-23w_3-26w....all soft white but the 26w=daylight....3 plants in box..2 more in flowering.....she was at a lil over 2 feet at the start of flower then grew bout...
  9. Budzilla420

    hermie help

    quick couple questions i have a hermie. it showed seeds a few days ago. the plant was transplanted a few days b4 the seeds came so i feel it was caused do to stress. if this is the case am i safe as far as the clone that i have of this plant ? the clone was taken bout 2 months ago. the...
  10. Budzilla420

    i got lights running 24 7 whats the bad side effects of doing this

    It is true, at least to some extent. Granted a 24 hour light cycle wont put the rate to 100% males, but it does encourage male plants. I have a high times that has a little article about it and after reading it i checked up a bit and i found that it is indeed true. In fact i have a friend who...
  11. Budzilla420

    1st harvest, joint wont stay lit, curing help

    Definatly sounds like the plant built up and stored to much nutrients that weren't used or by the plant nor flushed out. Ive had weed like that before too, id dry it to the point to were i couldnt even break it up without it turning to dust and it still wouldnt stay lit. Sorry but theres no way...
  12. Budzilla420

    i got lights running 24 7 whats the bad side effects of doing this

    Also with a 24 hour light cycle, you'll end up with more male plants. Dont know why or how but its true. 18/6 is your best bet.
  13. Budzilla420

    will tap water be ok?

    Be careful tho. I used filtered water for the first 2-3 weeks of life of my plants with good results then one day i was in a pinch and had no filtered so i used straight tap water and the next morning my plants were completly dry and near death, one didnt survive and the other took 2 weeks to...
  14. Budzilla420

    Growbox Build: Lighting advice needed

    yeah 400 watts should definatly be enough. You might wanna get a few smaller watt bulbs or a couple tubes for side lighting when the plants get big and fill out. But youre gonna want some kind of fan to pull air in and another to take air out. Even if its just the small 10$ desk fans from walmart.
  15. Budzilla420

    Are these babies budding or flowering?

    Man i hope those arent your only plants cuz if they are you pretty much wasted your time growing for smokable product. But on the bright side you got to see first hand a full grown male plant after its flowered and shed pollen everywhere :)
  16. Budzilla420

    Closet indoor 1st attempt..

    Thats a girl buddy, congrats :)
  17. Budzilla420

    First Grow w/ CFLs...Got a couple ?'s

    Yeah this next grow im gonna do the things i should have done the first time but neglected just cuz i was impatient. Ive got a pretty good grasp on what i need to do and how to go about doing it (ive been researching and reading on this subject for damn near a decade :) ) I just got jittery...
  18. Budzilla420

    First Grow w/ CFLs...Got a couple ?'s

    Yeah thats what i was doing, when it got dry id water. The soil is miricle grow organic gardner which is continuous feed, i beileve this was a big cause. Also i used tap water to water. A friend had the same problem when his were a month old, he always used distilled but one day used tap and the...
  19. Budzilla420

    First Grow w/ CFLs...Got a couple ?'s

    Well one of my plants is dead, the other is dying. I dont know what happened, i went to bed one night with them being a tiny bit yellow around the edges and woke up to find one compleaty brown and dry and the other on its way. I been keeping the soil moist, kept them away from the bulbs so they...
  20. Budzilla420

    First Grow w/ CFLs...Got a couple ?'s

    Yeah i had them about 2 inches away with the new lights but they got really hot. Like the planter was really hot as well as the soil so i dropped them back down. What im gonna do as well is change the light cycle from 24 to 18 to cut the heat. Plus i read a HT article that said 24 hours of light...