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    leaves curling under?? please help!!

    ok thanks alot man! I fuckin watered today too, what a dick I am! lol I dug down a bout an inch and it was dry that y I watered! I just checked water ph and it's a tiny bit above the 6.5 is this a factor u think??

    leaves curling under?? please help!!

    should I flush the plant with ph adj water or will this do more harm with her flowering? I have read the info on here but I'm really none the wiser! lol like I said the leaves are dark so is this N overload???

    got bugs! help

    I put sand over all the tray in prop but with it being a prop I can't really let the soil dry out. I read somewhere that broken up chillis work is this true? I have put some in prop anyways coz the are really pissing me off!!

    leaves curling under?? please help!!

    so I have read loads bout this problem but I still unsure of what to do! i only noticed it today but all the new leaves are curling under. from the top to the bottom, all the fan leaves appear to be fine they are dark tho, the girl in question is in flower and has been for a week. please someone...

    Newbie grow - 85watt X 2 cfl. Help please

    buy 6500k bulbs so u got atleast two and maybe keep the 2700k on aswel but that more for flowering! do a search on kelvin and lumans and which bulbs for what! I actully found a good bit of info on bulbs just searching google, check out my album second grow, I'm just using 4x25w cfls and my baby...

    got bugs! help

    I noticed that I have tiny flies in my prop, I have clones and seeds in there so need to get rid! I heard that a layer of sand on top of the soil would do the trick, is this true??? also I was told that ladybugs would get rid too???? not sure about that! any idea's please reply thanks!!!

    250w cfl flowering????

    thanks man! I'm abit worried bout her coz she don't seen to growing since she was put in to flower!! is this normal? the pistils are growing!

    250w cfl flowering????

    I just bought a 250w red cfl, I was just wondering if you would recommend them! also would this be ok on it's own on 1 plant? i do have smaller red spec bulbs but not sure if it needs it. thanks

    think the clones are dying can somebody help please!!!!

    hey it all helps! they seem to be perkin up today so hopefully they will root! thanks every1

    think the clones are dying can somebody help please!!!!

    thanks for all the info! think I'm just stressing coz it's my first clones, check out my pics in my album I havnt a clue what strain the mother is but if any1 has any ideas I'd love to know lol

    think the clones are dying can somebody help please!!!!

    ok so I just snipped all leaf tips and iv moved the light alot closer, as for the humidity I think it's fine there is heat under the prop and it's steamed up loads!

    think the clones are dying can somebody help please!!!!

    I've heard that cutting the leaf tips off is a good thing should I try doing that aswel?

    think the clones are dying can somebody help please!!!!

    so are these as good as dead?

    think the clones are dying can somebody help please!!!!

    So I took my first clones today but I think they are dying, there all droopy and I'm not sure what to do! there in a propagator and it's misted regular I also have a 20w cfl clipped to the side but bulb hangs over top alittle, now I did not have the rockwool I needed so I mixed 30% cuttings soil...


    Well iv now taken my first clones and it wasn't as stressful as I thought, I took two about 2/3" long and they are now in my propagator, the only thing I'm worried about is the medium I'm using. I couldn't get the rockwool I needed so I wanted to try it with a cutting soil and perlite! I made a...


    to be honest i not a clue what she is as i was just given the seeds, "you should have lst'ed her" ????

    question about cloning....


    question about cloning....

    ok thanks, im going to attemp it in the morning so wish me look! lol just hope i do it right!!


    i went out and got all i need to take cutting off my girl but im not to sure if i can take them off her as she was put into flower a few days ago, is it safe to take clones off her or will it slow or damage her? am i best growing another to take the cutting off??

    question about cloning....

    sorry to jump in but i was wondering if i could take cuttings off my plant that iv just started to flower or will this slow or damage her? iv never taken cutting before so best to ask i think!