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  1. Mr. Bitti

    White Rhino & Belladonna

    yo i am also convinced that house and garden nutes are awesome. thinking of picking up those and canna and comparing house&garden to canna and GH head formula. i love the simple cheap gh formula and am having great success with using AN bigbud with it but i wanna see whats out there and from...
  2. Mr. Bitti

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    yea the main cola and a side bud went back into veg growth. but i think shes coming back
  3. Mr. Bitti

    GROwMans 8 plant closet/ attic grow

    daaamn bro thats looking dank. is those bagseed or named strain?
  4. Mr. Bitti

    L.A. KUSH's Chronic Plants

    yea i mean, just save it up man if you get a setup you will get the bud almost free after that. its all about learning to keep a good grow are and using the right nutes. i started with a few cfls to veg some girls and slowly built up to two 150w hps. every few weeks id get something to make my...
  5. Mr. Bitti

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    finally got some pics in... i tried but only got somewhat decent pics. i hate this shitty camera. first up is my fav BB and shes almost ready to go one maybe two more weeks. ill start flushing when i think shes got one week left. for now shes shooting calyxes sideways at the top and is really...
  6. Mr. Bitti

    AK47 first indoor grow

    thats some good resin on that bagseed man.
  7. Mr. Bitti

    First time grower, first time cfl grow

    i would say it depends on who is coming to work there. In my case i live in a 1 bedroom and maintenance comes over sometimes but they know i smoke and my closet has a lock on it. still they are maintenance they are not gonna be asking me questions or watching me because they dont care and...
  8. Mr. Bitti

    Boneman's Kali Mist & Columbain Red Haze "coco coir grow"

    i would agree not to use it if you have space but its a trade off when you cant let your plants double in size. and i have not used it but i understand anyone who does.
  9. Mr. Bitti

    Boneman's Kali Mist & Columbain Red Haze "coco coir grow"

    quality looks great man, any news on the taste/high?
  10. Mr. Bitti

    Doogleef plays in the dirt - Lots o pics

    looks dope man, are you that awesome guy that hooked up jake with the whiteberry? a true community hero!! edit: you should get 6 into flower and if they ever bother you just say you though they meant 6 mature plants, not sure but it sounds harmless.
  11. Mr. Bitti

    first hydro grow. hempy style (speed queen mandala)

    nice man, buds structure is all there now she should start to swell in these last 3 weeks
  12. Mr. Bitti

    Bossman88188 gdp medical grow

    yea i was gonna say if you dont like smoking mold just grind that shit up and make some ISO hash from it
  13. Mr. Bitti

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    This run is big bang. I'm getting church and AMS for next round. Ive heard so many good reviews from the church i can't deny its a top strain w/o even trying it.
  14. Mr. Bitti

    PPP, Big Bud, Bubblelicious, and Durban Poison

    they look insane man, that ppp is just like they advertise it "of the finest quality buds" it even looks better than what it sounds
  15. Mr. Bitti

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    nope that one is the one that had calcium deficiency shes fine now lost a 2 leaves that got very damaged but shed still budding and maturing. Ill get some pics of my re-veg girl soon. 11 hours light 13 dark since week 3 of flowering. She was always on sativa side and i knew she was getting too...
  16. Mr. Bitti

    White Rhino & Belladonna heres that link, the top is about 10g a cut in soil with 0 veg and a shitload per square foot like 6-10. And it def depends on strain but with the amounts of root space you...
  17. Mr. Bitti

    Bossman88188 gdp medical grow

    how long do you have to veg them for to get it? how many nodes/height on average? Whats going on with the moldy girls are the buds alright? if not you making hash with em?
  18. Mr. Bitti

    White Rhino & Belladonna

    here's a link to a thread with 3 ways to make hash. The qwuiso (ISO) is hash made with 99% alcohol. He also has a way to make the bubble hash and sieving hash(keif). Check it out you will learn a lot about hash. Yield looked bigger but pics are always decieving. Id like to get a setup where...
  19. Mr. Bitti

    Finally set up the way I want "The Church" and "TSS" *PICS*

    from my experience from other people while browsing through threads, the best ways to clone and cheapest is straight into dirt or rockwool or coco or some water retaining medium without a dome. I dont do cloning because my grows go on and off when i have to leave school. But i have read lots on...
  20. Mr. Bitti

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    dont know how the hell it happened but in the past 3 days one of my plants has gone into veg state again!! it was my sativa big bang pheno. I feed her a purely flowering schedule and she responds by going into growth grrrrrr!!! im pretty pissed about this as its putting out new leaves and shit...