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  1. Mr. Bitti

    trueloveforever164's 2nd Grow of Snow White and Supergirl

    make sure you train them away from the light and you should have no more problems man! +rep
  2. Mr. Bitti

    Mandala Seeds Satori - Outdoor Guerilla Grow - Supercropping

    cant wait to see mandala genes in outdoor action!! +rep
  3. Mr. Bitti

    -First Indoor 1000 Watt Tent grow-

    i love the setup but your girls are not very happy it looks like the temps is the cause! where is your thermometer at? it might be too hot for those girls directly under the light. it might be nute burn or a deficiency but the pics arent very clear. try taking some pics with blue/green light...
  4. Mr. Bitti

    grow journal/comparison

    maybe its time to adjust your nutes and stop giving her much nitrogen. they usually vary on stretch depending on genes. its normal for them to stretch out for the first 2 weeks of flowering but they should actually be growing not just stretching. if they are sativa dominant i suggest you cut...
  5. Mr. Bitti

    Start to Finish SOG Purple Kush Do It Yourself Hydro grow

    looking good man, thats gonna be one hefty sog! +rep
  6. Mr. Bitti


    this grow is looking very nice at 13 days man, subscribed cant wait!!! +rep
  7. Mr. Bitti

    bubblgum & super lemon haze

    looks good man, wanna see how this strain goes +rep
  8. Mr. Bitti

    My Grow Cupboard (Pictures)

    this grow is great man, got a 5 pack of church and AMS coming in, cant wait!! +rep those colas are awesome. i got BigBang getting ready to chop link is in my sig
  9. Mr. Bitti


    very nice man, cant wait to see how it turns out!
  10. Mr. Bitti

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    calcium deficient BB week 10 going down soon. still havent taken down the very nice bb prolly tomorrow nite.
  11. Mr. Bitti

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    Ill be cutting another down tomorrow, ill get pics of everything. Haven't bought batteries yet sorry
  12. Mr. Bitti

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    looks very nice man, looks like good yielding and almost white buds man damn
  13. Mr. Bitti

    Boneman's Kali Mist & Columbain Red Haze "coco coir grow"

    agreed man iso hash will kill the mold spores and make it safe
  14. Mr. Bitti

    AK47 first indoor grow

    fix it all up real quick and those budding girls should come thru!! man sorry to hear but shit happens man, soon you will have a full tray and learned a lesson for next time
  15. Mr. Bitti

    250 Watt MH Grow with *PICS*

    they looking very nice with good structure man! hope i can rep you right now
  16. Mr. Bitti

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    thanks Down, yea those are 2L pop bottles. kinda sux i have to hold them down or the plants tip over. the wonder of coco is that i get plants the size of 3 gal dirt plants. I won't ever go back to soil unless its for convenience reasons. soil is much easier to water and forget about for a few...
  17. Mr. Bitti

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    thanks man, i don't care if i get rep or not im always glad to give my opinion. As far as the girl going back into veg im pretty sure its because that was a more sative leaning pheno and was getting too much nitogen in her feed. anyways i only have 7 weeks before i have to go back home for the...
  18. Mr. Bitti

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    its all, good hydroton and coco are somewhat similar. im not saying ff is junk i think its the best soil co, i just never seen them as a invested hydro company they seem to concentrate on soil products
  19. Mr. Bitti

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    yup sure are, i would also never use ff in hydro because in my mind i see them as a soil company but i guess you proved my thoughts wrong! anyway i think you will have great success with humboldt, heard they are very concentrated. also been hearing alot of good things about house and garden...
  20. Mr. Bitti

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    ok so i took out the big bang that revegged and im gonna use her for making hash. ill try the buds first to see if they are mature enough but probably will use her to make hash anyways because i love that shit. I took a few pics with her branches opened up so you can see the structure of my big...