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  1. Mr. Bitti

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    hey Gypsy very nice work. wanted to ask if you could tell me what nutes/supplements u use?
  2. Mr. Bitti

    Tatan´s First Grow, White Widow and Bagseed

    agree with all the other gusy let those seeds drop bythemselfs or pcik em up when rolling a joint after harvest! you might get those to germ but premature seeds are never the best
  3. Mr. Bitti

    big buddah blue cheese grow 2

    holy shit gypsy nice fucking room!!!!! do you have a journal?? are those all flood and drain trays?
  4. Mr. Bitti

    White Widow closet grow + Hydro Waterfarm buckets + 1st grow **PICS**

    looks like it might be 3-4 if she swells quite a bit more
  5. Mr. Bitti

    White Widow closet grow + Hydro Waterfarm buckets + 1st grow **PICS**

    looks like it might be 3-4 if she swells quite a bit more
  6. Mr. Bitti

    Tatan´s First Grow, White Widow and Bagseed

    very nice man congratz on those seeds bro, do they look dark in color or are they white?
  7. Mr. Bitti

    Down and his 2009 Monster Outdoor Comp. Entry

    awesome dude are you up north where they will veg till august?
  8. Mr. Bitti

    first hydro grow. hempy style (speed queen mandala)

    any insights on his method?
  9. Mr. Bitti

    Finally set up the way I want "The Church" and "TSS" *PICS*

    shit is looking very promising bro, what medium are u using again? gonna try to rep you again
  10. Mr. Bitti

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    The one in the first 2 pics is going down on the 12th almost 10 weeks for her. the mazar is hard to tell, some of the buds are mature and some have nothing but white pistils but im thinking 2 more weeks for her and my other big bang. I had one girl that went back into veg phase, seems to be...
  11. Mr. Bitti

    first hydro grow. hempy style (speed queen mandala)

    i know man. that dude was probably on pcp, i cant say the yield looks huge but its certainly at the average and the nugs look so damn nice, those leaves equal hash to me lol. i cant wait to have another batch of hash, its my favorite.
  12. Mr. Bitti

    Down and his 2009 Monster Outdoor Comp. Entry

    looks nice, cant wait to see some monsters!!!
  13. Mr. Bitti

    White Widow closet grow + Hydro Waterfarm buckets + 1st grow **PICS**

    if ppm is rising it means the girls are drinking more water then nutes, top off plain water and check ppm again next day to see what she did. btw she is looking great man, did you ever put more seeds in?
  14. Mr. Bitti

    Boneman's Kali Mist & Columbain Red Haze "coco coir grow"

    very nice man, and finishing under 100 days is always a plus for a huge sativa. its def a strain i will have to work with eventually
  15. Mr. Bitti

    White Rhino & Belladonna

    damn very she gonna start to swell now for 2 weeks?
  16. Mr. Bitti

    Finally set up the way I want "The Church" and "TSS" *PICS*

    those plants are looking great man, are you gonna be posting pics of the outdoor girls in this thread?
  17. Mr. Bitti

    White Rhino & Belladonna

    Yea ive always known but they were locally available and by using AN big bud powder i think they did great. But yea the upper line nutes dont seem to be very expensive and produce the best results.... what you got goin on in your rez Blunnts?
  18. Mr. Bitti

    trueloveforever164's 2nd Grow of Snow White and Supergirl

    looks real nice man, what u got in that rez?
  19. Mr. Bitti

    First time grower, first time cfl grow

    very nice man that canopy developed perfect edit: yea they should be perfectly fine. Like i said, to them its like a nasty storm came in the morning. but that doesnt happen every day :)
  20. Mr. Bitti

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    yea about that, i have 300w now and it was the best thing i ever did because the big space would have not produced the same without the 2 150's. i can tell the colas grow huge on both sides if they get direct light from 2 bulbs.