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  1. Mr. Bitti

    First time grower, first time cfl grow

    looking very nice man
  2. Mr. Bitti

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    just smoked 3 hits of that nug and im stoned, my face has numbed up a bit and my ears are feeling extra sensitive don't no kinda hard to explain 1st time ive had this feeling. taste isnt very abundant but i can taste the sweet fruit when i hit it. a week of cure should have these buds very nice...
  3. Mr. Bitti

    Tatan´s First Grow, White Widow and Bagseed

    yo tate i dont think the mazar likes being topped/super cropped mine also got very delayed after i cropped her compared to the BB, but in your case i think she got over it before budding. yours is looking very promising as far as yield goes
  4. Mr. Bitti

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    weighed the re veg girl oficially at 25 grams plus maybe 2 more i smoked so im saying it was 27. weighed the secong big bang i took down and she gave me a total of 43 grams, the main cola is still a little moist so prabably around 41 grams. Mazar and the other girl still hanging up and probably...
  5. Mr. Bitti

    first hydro grow. hempy style (speed queen mandala)

    insane grow man, those buds look amazing!! gotta try the SQ for sure in the future
  6. Mr. Bitti

    Bossman88188 gdp medical grow

    lookin real nice boss, 1st time running the chocolate diesel?
  7. Mr. Bitti

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    ok so heres a few more pics, took down the last two last night. first pics is mazar, then big bang, then hanging buds. The big bang has had some branches taken off before the pics. The haging buds are the last 3 i harvested plus the main cola of the reveg girl. Its 2 different closets. I put all...
  8. Mr. Bitti

    First Time Top Feed Dripper Hydro System!

    Yo roseman wanted to ask you what is your preffered recirc nutes? always try to ask the more experienced guys, been hearing alot of good stuff about house and garden aquaflakes
  9. Mr. Bitti

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    Thanks a bunch tatan but besides the strain the biggest factor was the coco in those tiny 2L pop bottles. Coco is a wonderful medium and very rewarding as far as the plant size you get off small root space. Thanks man, my college days are over and ill have to tune it down to outodoors when i...
  10. Mr. Bitti


    very nice pics bro, that PK looks very dense
  11. Mr. Bitti

    Tatan´s First Grow, White Widow and Bagseed

    very nice tatan, if that mazar pheno is anything like mine they should swell up like trainwreck almost. calyxes on top of calyxes and barely any leaves when this baby decides to swell. low yielder for sure but mine went purp and the resin on it looks fantastic. cant wait to see yours bud out!!
  12. Mr. Bitti

    Gypsy's Picture Depot

    great fucken pics bro
  13. Mr. Bitti

    first hydro grow. hempy style (speed queen mandala)

    shit very nice hempy!!! didn't realize u started cutting down!!! those SQ look amazing man, make sure you dry those pretty good before you jar em. 3 days of drying? you must live in a very dry area. very nice man +rep as soon as the site lets me
  14. Mr. Bitti

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    ill be trimming it a bit more but for tonight i still have to hang her up and im already tired. Is recommend this strain to anyone, this pheno that i just showed is very nice and grows with great vigor and great resin production. the smell is an amazing fruity skunky stink. I will be purchasing...
  15. Mr. Bitti

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    heres a few more pics and some delicious close ups that came out decent!!
  16. Mr. Bitti

    Mr. Bitti's 150w HPS Big Bang/Mazar-I-Shariff

    i know you guys been waiting for this!!! finally came time to harvest my favorite pheno of big bang right at 10 weeks of flower and she is looking very sweet!! heres plenty of pics
  17. Mr. Bitti

    Tatan´s First Grow, White Widow and Bagseed

    man that pinky is looking very tasty!! cant wait to see some pink widow F1's
  18. Mr. Bitti

    -First Indoor 1000 Watt Tent grow-

    that is probably heat stress man, can you make the room cooler? at the pots it should be like 70-75 and no more than 85 at the canopy. besides that what have you been feeding her?
  19. Mr. Bitti

    First Time Top Feed Dripper Hydro System!

    this system is beast, had to subscribe +rep!