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  1. henry1984kk

    help with my organic fertilizer tea

    use one part pea to 5 part water it works like a charm you can also use molasses it is cheap about a dollar or to use non sulfar and worm casting can get about 3 dollar at local nursery
  2. henry1984kk

    urine. pure pot ash, and molasses fert. tea. i have no moneys

    pea wooks bro 1 part urine to 4 parts water all fert have it in them that is what urea is look on any good fert you will see it some even says urine but must be diluted and best if use early morning pea
  3. henry1984kk

    can someone tell this noob if this soilless mix is ok or a recipe for plant death?

    get the lime and maybe some Epsom salt and you got a good mix
  4. henry1984kk

    Organics Vs Chemicals

    yeah right i bet
  5. henry1984kk

    Going from outdoors to indoors?

    go for it buddy
  6. henry1984kk

    Outdoors Ontario

    not a good idea because of odd light schedule and weather
  7. henry1984kk

    Whats the best soil that i can get for growing outdoors?

    Use peat-moss, perlite,lime,and any good soil mix that is derived from natural compounds
  8. henry1984kk

    first grow and running into location issues

    if they will be lumbering in they area i would find a whole new spot not on that land cause they will scout the whole 200 acres for the best area to start and the best quality trees and believe me timber man know mother nature plants when they come across them you could get right before harvest...
  9. henry1984kk

    Too long of a Germination

    sometime it can take long than 3 or 4 day i just germ 40 seeds they all pop at different times some took 6 to 8 day but still came out good plant and if you don't disturb the paper towel it will be fine checking them often will mess up you root i had some root that was almost a 2 inch that i had...
  10. henry1984kk

    Need soil help on first outdoor grow of 30 plant 2 weeks old

    Got dam it i hope i didnt fuck up.I ended up buy Canadian peat moss,mushroom compost,perlite,and Epsom salt,and dole lime. I don't think i should have been so lifted:eyesmoke: when i went to get the heart for my babies:hump: {my plants}
  11. henry1984kk

    Need soil help on first outdoor grow of 30 plant 2 weeks old

    thank for the info gee i have seen the osmocote fert before and i thought that adding perlite would air the soil and keep it from compacting
  12. henry1984kk

    Need soil help on first outdoor grow of 30 plant 2 weeks old

    Is garden soil any good i notice it really cheap and so is the mushroom compost
  13. henry1984kk

    Need soil help on first outdoor grow of 30 plant 2 weeks old

    Where would i get the promix it it at homedepot,lowie,or ace i am in houston so we got like everystore
  14. henry1984kk

    Need soil help on first outdoor grow of 30 plant 2 weeks old

    Thanks joe i am thinking that might be what i do it would def be the cheapish way unless i use top soil[i got to buy some mother nature till then that what we call mj in houston or a least me]
  15. henry1984kk

    Need soil help on first outdoor grow of 30 plant 2 weeks old

    ]Hello to Everyone I really need help badly.I am growing in the woods behind my house but about 2 mile in.I want to use the soil that is there cause everything is growing really big,green,and fast been tracking and scouting the area about 3 months. But i was wonder could i use the dirt already...