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  1. General Kush

    90 degrees and no vent?

    well no1 still answered my question, i wanna know if its possible to grow without ventalation at 90 degrees cus i don't really wanna put holes in a nice burrow like that if you know what i mean:neutral:
  2. General Kush

    90 degrees and no vent?

    thanks for the feedback :mrgreen: i just want to keep the drilling holes to a minimum but if no1 else has any ideas i think a may drill like 3 1 inch holes in the back and put a wicked small fan like u said but i don't know
  3. General Kush

    90 degrees and no vent?

    my project that im building is suppose to be a hide n grow op so all i have for space is a pretty decent size burrow/tv stand w.e u wanna call it where the top opens and its sealed off everywheres else, i thought it would be perfect because my radio is on top of there and no1 would ever look...
  4. General Kush

    vinegar and baking soda co2?

    instead of yeast water and sugar for c02 on my plants can i use baking soda and vinegar to make the c02? does it work the same?
  5. General Kush

    c02 in water?

    kay thanks for the advice, still 1 question though, if im outside and i use the bottle c02 method thing with a hose pointing towards my plants will this work or does it only work inside?
  6. General Kush

    c02 in water?

    yah i was just looking at that tutorial but thats from releasing gases around your plants and since my plants are outside i was just wondering if there was anyway u could put c02 in water and then feeding the water to the plants roots instead of regular water it would be like c02 water but my...
  7. General Kush

    c02 in water?

    hey i was talking to my uncle about growing weed and he told me the water that i feed my plants should have c02 in them because it helps...i was wondering if i buy a regular paintball c02 can and somehow get it into the water do i just use this c02 water to water my plants or what?
  8. General Kush

    insect/animal repelent?

    now can i spray that right on my plant? and if so how many times until harvest?
  9. General Kush

    insect/animal repelent?

    anyone know a good insect and animal repelent so the pesky critters dont get to my crops?....i live in new englend where deer roam and love to eat bud and was hoping someone would tell me where and what to buy that would keep things like deer, bud worms, and other creatures away from my babies...
  10. General Kush

    FEMALE, MALE, or hermie

    should i get rid of it? i mean i dunno wut to do i have only that plant and it came from a really good bud
  11. General Kush

    FEMALE, MALE, or hermie

    i dunno im still a lil convinced its a female cus i just took another look at her and what you guys and I call the "balls" has a crack at the top and a crystally little itty bitty white hair is coming out the crack......dont know ill wait longer and see
  12. General Kush

    FEMALE, MALE, or hermie

    wow this is a major put really mad...thought the white hairs on the ball sack was just a false sign of a male but i guess it is if u guys say confused to why it has a different smell though.
  13. General Kush

    FEMALE, MALE, or hermie

    Just wondering if these plants were hermie male or female... what confused me is there were pistols that looked like female but then ball sacks that look like male but if u look close on the sacks they have tiny tiny white hairs coming out of them. what do you guys think??? plant1 005.jpg plant1...
  14. General Kush

    Hiding your harvest?

    Actually i disagree about the german shepard statements some people made...I've heard and SEEN police car videos of them searching people and peoples cars with dogs and the best thing to do is 1. Bring a cat with you ( it distracts the dogs ) and/or spray your tires with fox urine which what...
  15. General Kush

    How to grow short but fat plants?

    well you can do what im doing which is growing an indica (grows short and bushy) and/or do the 12/12 from seed method which gives u bud quick and fast and still pretty good quality and the best thing is, it stays wicked small.
  16. General Kush

    True or false about brownies?

    Me and a friend were discussing how to make hash brownies and we stumbled into an argument about how it was actually made... He says you can just put the grinded up stem and fan leaves in as you cook the brownies and you would still get as high as using cannibutter. Is this true cus if so i...
  17. General Kush


    I have a similar problem lol, just transplanted it and none of the soil stuck, exposing all the roots and i panicked and shoved it in a bigger pot and called it good... Now im sitting beside it to make sure nothing bad happens lol... I think i kinda bundled up the roots and buried them in a...
  18. General Kush

    Post some "ready to harvest pics"

    I dont really know when to harvest but i do know that when the hairs turn orangy then its time. I was wondering since i cant afford a magnifying glass and a microscope would anyone be nice enough to post me some pictures of buds that are ready to be harvested so i know when to do it. Thanks
  19. General Kush

    seed above soil

    planted my seed 2 days ago and last night i watered it...i looked this morning and it grew. It's like the root grew but pushed the seed above ground so the seed is kinda dangling in the air a little this normal? I misted it with water.
  20. General Kush

    Anybody know if spidermites dwell in cellars?

    allright i will spray some pesticides around and inside just to make sure they dont get in...i germinated my seeds 2 days ago and they still havn't sprouted from the soil so i have enough time to get some anti-pest controll in there :p hopefully i can find some around the house