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  1. farmer frank

    Ron Paul: "Prepare For Revolutionary Changes"

    mr. paul gets it an should have everyone in the u.s. backing him we NEED him ,he is on our side ,we need tostop our gov. from destroying our country we must act soon ,get your hands on the most powerful documentary well ever see its called AMERICA freedom to fascism by aaron russo ITS A MUST...
  2. farmer frank

    Help with trimming bottom leafs

    i leave mine drip for 5mins on 20 off (water farm)works great , would trim some lower leaves start with a few an let plant get used to it ,make sure water ph is 5.5 an all good to go
  3. farmer frank

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    i guess i already knew the answer but i was hopeing to get away with it an u confirmed it thank you for your anwsers captn to all who need , i was planning to do just what u said an get fixed soon as i can money no prob.,but im not very good at electrical myself plus mostly current scares me ive...
  4. farmer frank

    My Lighting Project - Will a Custom LED Panel Work?

    so any help woood bee sweet
  5. farmer frank

    My Lighting Project - Will a Custom LED Panel Work?

    wats up. quick ? ive ben unplugging my light from my wall is it best to unplugg from ballas or wall. we have no switch. this morning. went to give the girls there light and got shocked and light went out. did our own prob. solving and rewiered the vented sun systems hood. wats best way to fix...
  6. farmer frank

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    bricktown save my house an crop pleeeez ,well i went down in my room today to turn on my 1000w light an the wires in the sun system hood melted smelled burnt so took apart an fixed so that ok but overall problem not fixed, so let me tell you what i have going on,built room in basement had pal...
  7. farmer frank

    Carbon Filter Setup: HELP

    mountainhigh is right on
  8. farmer frank

    Carbon Filter Setup: HELP

    4 smell i just spent more time sealing my room air an smell tight ,i look at like can never do to much for smell, no smell for me an my rooms packed flowering too... good luck to you
  9. farmer frank

    Carbon Filter Setup: HELP

    i to have one ,but running thru my light it does give off heat but not much i think,very much helps with smell but not only thing ul need ,i have ozone gen. that i keep upstairs to an that thing works great ,(grow room basement). was thinking of geting another carbon filter i have 4" wanted...
  10. farmer frank

    how long to veg to get a 1/2 LB

    i would think very big ,but sorry to i have a ? for u hahaha how do you start a thread /under your own topic like u did , what do i go under , thanks for your help
  11. farmer frank

    been flowering for 2 weeks and i need to know

    use mh 4 veg an a hps 4 budding
  12. farmer frank

    been flowering for 2 weeks and i need to know

    only top in veg cycle dude an give time to recover
  13. farmer frank

    Franco's Ongoing Grows

    i just dont know were to ask this an get an answer sory for off topic but did ne1 use that co2 boost bucket ?
  14. farmer frank

    do i have enuff lights?

    just want make sure thank u..rookie but no dumby haha
  15. farmer frank

    do i have enuff lights?

    guess just a few quick ?S ..i got a 1000hps an 4 4foot argo fls saig great for growing so went with it for extra help ..should that b enuff for good yeild ?ive done alot of research b4 getting started an seen it done b4 so guess leg up for me ,but had me fair share of things i would do...
  16. farmer frank

    HELP! 1st time grow black weed

    looks great to me man just keep it going an enjoy , looks like good work to me
  17. farmer frank

    1st time grower seeking advice

    for me i just dont like soil ,,hydro or areo much easier .. just to throw that out there
  18. farmer frank

    another beginning newb here

    yeah you dont have much lite ,that is biggest factor,i would say use bagseed an learn from mistakes cuz u will make them ,then wen dailed in go 4 it , one person could not answer all your ?s, would need hours ,read up an pinpoint ur ?s, easy way to start is rubber made 15 or 18 gallon with cover...
  19. farmer frank

    How bad is the smell?

    the smell is very strong ,take as many steps as u can , sealed room,carbon fiters,ozone generater, me can never be to much. . .small carbon filters are about 150, ozones ne ware from 75 an up up an away ,...the carbon comes wit fan that sucks air into it an cleans it ... if this helps i...