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  1. X

    sprayed weed

    ebay has a guy selling drug tests kits that the NHS health service use here in the UK screen for everything.. only 5 pound and it will be here tomorrow in the post. so i got one haha... wish i could get my hands on one of them back in the day, used to do some coke every now and again.. well at...
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    sprayed weed

    dont get me wrong this shit looks and smells fucking great.. this is why i can't be sure... my mate who told me it was sprayed knows what he is talking about.. but i thought it was only ever done to shit weed / or big bags of chopped up male plants, to give the smoker a buzz from it when...
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    sprayed weed

    trust me they do it... they use bug spray on it too.
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    sprayed weed

    they some times so i read dissolve PCP in water and spray the bud, its dirt cheap and it gives the smoke more of a kick... there was a big problem back in the 90's with sprayed weed so i read on google people getting ill from smoking it. they do it trust me... and yeah it did the high was a...
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    sprayed weed

    true, growing is the way!!
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    sprayed weed

    never herd of febreeze being used tbh, its got a very distinctive smell
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    sprayed weed

    grit weed yeah, i know what ur saying, they cover the plants in sand when they are still budding, gives the end harvest more weight
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    sprayed weed

    well all i smoke is weed, if i test positive for anything else he is dead
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    sprayed weed

    just ordered a drug test kit on ebay, i must know! his drug test will test for the all the common drugs in the UK. ALL OPIATES (including Heroin and Morphine) COCAINE (including Crack and Coke) ECSTASY (including E’S) ALL TRICYCLIC ANTI DEPRESSANTS (including...
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    sprayed weed

    yo got a quarter here, got it from a mate, thing is one of my other mates reckons its been sprayed.:neutral: what do they spray it with? and how can i tell? the weed looks really really good, i would think they would do this with shit weed not good stuff.... only reason i ask is i must...
  11. X

    My garden needs Rollitup style help!

    looks like over fert dude, just use water for a week or two, and check that when u do use nutes that u mix them as the bottle says
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    My first grow log

    yea safe for that, i used it on my last grow had no problems just smoking my last joint of the harvest depressing :(.... i know a guy who sells it and he just got some so tempted to buy an oz.. but i aint buying it anymore.. the top half in all 8 pots is not miracle grow anyway its some stuff i...
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    My first grow log

    yo, ok this is my first grow log starting from today 10 ch9 Aroma fems were germinated in a paper towel and planted last night, 8 of the 10 fems sprouted, and i put the other 2 that did not in one of the pots as well, could just need a little extra time... well thats it till i see them break...
  14. X

    Is this a marijuana plant?

    lol, unlucky man, i on the other hand did find a stash when i was younger never had it confirmed till i started growing myself. there are some lakes near my house left over from ppl digging the gravel out of the ground, we got a blow up boat and was fucking about there all summer, on one of the...
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    Fans on when lights are off?

    get an AIR-CON unit man, i have one for the summer anyway, it will cool the whole house, u can also use it as a dehumidifier
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    Possible Size???

    that is one good looking plant man, i only ever grow indoor and never seen fan leaves like the one on that beast very nice
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    just say the police come over....

    i wouldn't worry about the 600 watt hps and the 400 hps officer, i grow the finest tomatos the world has ever seen, i'm very picky when it comes to my tomatoes officer have a good dig i'm sure you will find some seeds..... all this being said with me living in a student flat, pictures of...
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    just say the police come over....

    I'm in the UK, and well i live in a flat and have a grow setup on the go, and if the police ever came over..... i don't think i could hide everything i use to grow, just thought i should be ready for it.... if it ever did happen, i will order a pack of tomato seeds and keep them with my grow...
  19. X

    just say the police come over....

    what type of veggies?