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  1. B

    Help Please!

  2. B

    Help Please!

    So does anyone else think this is an over-watering/heat issue?
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    Help Please!

    I am really starting to think this is moisture stress and the heat has only amplified the symptoms. Bought a moisture meter today and it shows there is still moisture and I haven't watered since Sunday morning. I hope the over watering hasn't caused root rot:(
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    Help Please!

    I am not too sure about cal/mag, but I am not ruling it out.
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    Help Please!

    Lol, kinddiesel. I am in the same boat, the symptoms mimic many things, so I am stuck here just staring at them wondering what to do. The last thing I want to do, is try to correct a problem, that isn't even the problem. I am really wondering if it isn't heat stress. It has been really hot in...
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    Help Please!

    Ok, so I am roughly 4 weeks into flowering and it seems that my plant just quit growing on me. Leaves are starting to turn different colors and pistils have begin to brown. It just seems premature for this to be happening this early in flowering. Any ideas as to what might be gong on here?
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    Over-watering, under-watering, heat, or normal?

    Ok, it's bugging me, so I decided to post a few more pics. Maybe someone can give me some more advice. At this point, I think over watering may be an issue, but does anyone see anything else that might need to be addressed?
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    Over-watering, under-watering, heat, or normal?

    Thanks topfuel29! The reason they are small is because I got a late start to the season. I got them as clones at the beginning of July and slowly acclimated them to the outdoors. Funny you mention the water meter, I was just getting ready to head out the door and go pick one up at home depot:) I...
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    Over-watering, under-watering, heat, or normal?

    Opinions? Ridicule? Anything?
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    Over-watering, under-watering, heat, or normal?

    I notice the last few days my plants have been a little droopier than normal. Also, the pistils seem to be changing color a bit early, since I am only about 4 weeks into flowering. These are outdoor plants in 25 gallon pots that I water every 3-4 days. I typically will check the top of the soil...
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    Why are the pistils falling off?

    If a part of my plant is disappearing, that's my first and only concern atm. Trichs won't do me an ounce of good if their are no leaves or buds left on my plant.
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    Why are the pistils falling off?

    Thanks pghdave420. Any idea how to prevent or eradicate, or just pick em when you see em?
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    Why are the pistils falling off?

    Anybody? I am in somewhat of a panic here.
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    Why are the pistils falling off?

    Ok, so I sprayed my plans with spinosad and a little worm was dangling off on a web. The spinosad did not kill him, just stunned him I guess, because when I took him off and put him on the ground, he sat there for a minute doing nothing, then he tried to take off. Anyways, can someone please...
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    Why are the pistils falling off?

    Now the big question is, are there more? I haven't been able to identify with 100% certainty, but it seems the overall treatment for anything worm/caterpillar related is BT(Bacillus thuringiensis). Does anyone have any experience with this stuff? Does it harm a flowering plant in anyway? I would...
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    Why are the pistils falling off?

    Well, I think I found the culprit this morning. I found a green worm/caterpillar on my plant. I didn't see him before because he blended in so well. He basically looked like a stem or leaf. I should have taken a picture for identification purposes, but knee jerk reaction was to rip him off and...
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    Why are the pistils falling off?

    They are right next to other healthy plants. I don't recall them turning brown, seems like I just went out to check on them in the morning and notice most of the pistils gone. Thought maybe some type of pest at first, but what pest would just focus on removing pistils and no other damage, never...
  18. B

    Why are the pistils falling off?

    I guess this is where my concern comes from, these are two different plants of the same strain(Wildberry) in the same location and they do not seem to be affected by the heat, whatsoever. Granted, hey are much larger plants, probably triple in size, so maybe that is why they are able to handle...
  19. B

    Why are the pistils falling off?

    I noticed the pistils are still intact on all the lower flowers of the plant. This is the top cola that is losing the pistils, which would be the one exposed to the most heat and light. So, I am thinking this plant may just need a shade cloth as stated above. Thanks for the advice! BTW, this is...