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  1. B

    Nute Defeciency?

    The strain is Headband.
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    Nute Defeciency?

    Forgot the pics...duh!
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    Nute Defeciency?

    Hi All, Maybe it is paranoia getting the best of me, but I just feel like I have a defeciency somewhere or possibly a lockout. My plants just seem to be a lighter shade of green, when I would really like to see that dark green color to them. They have had the color pretty much their whole...
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    Iron Defeciency???

    Thanks for all the grea advice! I flushed the plants out and they all seem to be happy again. I am still wondering about the lighter shade of green. I have two strains growing, Snowcap and Grapefruit Kush. The Snowcap is a darker green in color while the Grapfruits all seem to have a...
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    Iron Defeciency???

    Thanks everyone! I am gonna flush with straight tap which I have checked several times and it is always a steady 6.5 on the pH. So, if I understand correctly completely flush out the medium then feed right after the flush, only the micro-grow at 5ml per 14liters? Let me know if I...
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    Iron Defeciency???

    Any advice or opinions? Thanks!
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    Iron Defeciency???

    Yes, I am giving food everytime I water, I thought that might be excessive, so I am going to step back to your reccomendation of water, water, then nutes. I also think I will switch down to 10ml per 14 liters on my next feeding. I am wondering if I should do a complete flush of the plants just...
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    Iron Defeciency???

    Also, as stated before I am using Advanced Nutrients Micro-Grow-Bloom at 20ml each per 14liters, along with a shot of Sensi Cal(Calcium and Magnesium supplement), at 20ml per 14liters. Is it alright to mix all these nutes into one feeding, or should the SensiCal be used at different intervals?
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    Iron Defeciency???

    I have a well and my pH straight from the faucet is 6.5. I have been told that this is too high for coco and have been lowering it to roughly 6.0, using sodium bisulfate, but something tells me I shouldn't be using sodium bisulfate to lower the pH. I am thinking I am better off just staying at...
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    Iron Defeciency???

    Sorry about that, here are some pics without the lights on: <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>...
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    My apologies, I did not mean to post that in this thread, wasn't paying attention.
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    Iron Defeciency???

    Hello all, i am leaning towards Iron defeciency(see picture). I am growing in Royal Crown Coco and I am using Advanced Nutrients Micro-Grow-Bloom at 20ml per 14 liters and Advanced Nutrients SensiCal at 10ml per 14 liters. I thought this was sufficient nutirents, however I am starting to think I...
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    Plant Moisture Stress - Symptoms and Solutions

    Hello all, i am leaning towards Iron defeciency(see picture). I am growing in Royal Crown Coco and I am using Advanced Nutrients Micro-Grow-Bloom at 20ml per 14 liters and Advanced Nutrients SensiCal at 10ml per 14 liters. I thought this was sufficient nutirents, however I am starting to think...
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    First Grow 2400watt HPS, Grapefruit Kush, Soil

    I am trying to attach pics, but they don't seem to load. I am going to attempt to attach some pics to this post. I would like anyones opinion on the light green color in the new growth area?
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    First Grow 2400watt HPS, Grapefruit Kush, Soil

    Well, I've been reading the forums for quite awhile now and now I figured it's time I ventured out on my own. I was told by the club that Grapefruit Kush was an easier strain to start with, so I went with that, hopefully they are right. I will be using 4x600watt Lumatek HPS for light. I will...
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    Grow Room Lighting Reccomendation nd First Time Grower Tips

    I suppose I should have mentioned the spare bedrooms are roughly 10x10x8.
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    Grow Room Lighting Reccomendation nd First Time Grower Tips

    I will be moving into a new home where I will have two extra bedrooms to hopefully use for growing. I currently have very limited experience, so I would like to start out somewhat small by possibly putting couple lights in each room. I was thinking to start out with 2 400w-600w metal halides...